La nuit la plus chaude

1968 "A bizarre tale..."
La nuit la plus chaude
3.8| 1h31m| en| More Info
Released: 18 January 1968 Released
Producted By: Les Films du Griffon
Country: France
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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One Saturday night, Jenny and Vera, are sequestered at home by an armed man who wants a big sum of money. As the two girls have no cash, he will wait until Monday morning for them to be able to withdraw the money. For the time being he binds them on their bed and, tired out himself, falls to sleep. The next morning, Max Sorini (for such is is name), a former legionary, accepts to tell his story to his two victims: having surprised his wife Nathalie in the company of her lover, Max had fallen upon his rival and a fight had ensued during which the other man had killed Nathalie, before taking the French leave. The police, believing Max was guilty with the manslaughter had arrested him but he had managed to escape while being transferred to prison. Now he needs money for his defense... —Guy Bellinger

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Les Films du Griffon

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