LA APOCALYPSE is a particularly inane addition to the end-of-the-world disaster movie sub-genre as seen on the likes of the SyFy Channel. It features a cookie-cutter predicament for our heroes to sort out, some truly lousy CGI action sequences, laughable science, and general poor writing all round. The characters have no delineation whatsoever, the plotting is so obscure as to be headache-inducing, and the running time chiefly consists of various characters running around and barking orders at each other. It's a truly lousy view.
Tina Willis
For a "B" Movie, this is one of the best I've ever seen!! While there were small plot and story holes, and cheaper special effects (compared to major motion pictures) I was amazed at how good the movie was. If you are like me and can suspend disbelief and get into a movie without nitpicking it to death, you should give this one a try...The story took unexpected turns which kept my interest and the acting, for the most part, was, like the rest of the movie, surprisingly well done. Id say give it 30 minutes...and THEN make up your mind on whether to continue watching. I did. And I was pleasantly surprised.
LA Apocalypse is not quite down there with SyFy's all-time worst, but that doesn't stop it from being a disaster in every way.Apart from some nice scenery, the movie is not particularly well-made visually, it has a very drab look, the action and disaster scenes are shot chaotically and the best the special effects get is substandard, which is indication of how cheap, out-of-proportion (very anaemic and non-threatening) and sometimes unfinished-looking they are. The music is like a loud monotonous drone with little sense of atmosphere.There's nothing remotely believable in the dialogue either, it's basically 80 minutes or so of mind-numbing cheese, improbable sci-fi (that constantly sounded as if made up on the spot) and tedious dramatic padding that leads nowhere and adds little. The story is basically a dull rehash of previous sci-fi disaster movies, except with even more cheese and even less suspense or fun. The lack of originality, believability or even anything just made LA Apocalypse a tiring watch and is topped by a muddled and predictable kidnap-and-rescue plot. The disaster scenes on top of looking cheap are so silly and indifferent (falling objects being the worst it gets) that it comes at the expense of any fun or tension.Every single character is little more than personality-less stereotypes, the movie is flatly directed and the acting is very bad at best across the board. David Cade is stiff, Gina Holden's acting lacks emotion and the villains are over-the-top to the point of being insipid. Even Christopher Judge is lacklustre.Overall, a disaster movie that manages to be a disaster of a movie as well. Watch at own risk. 1/10 Bethany Cox
Mike Stone
I'm not real picky about movies having to be 100% accurate. I don't care if space ships go woooosh in a vacuum. But I would like the movie to have at least a shred of believability. This has none. The visual effects are horrid and don't even remotely resemble what happens in a major quake. Buildings do NOT split up the middle. And the reaction of the people was hilarious. Was this supposed to be a comedy. People on the top floors of office buildings are running down the stairs, while the quake is in progress. If you've ever experienced a 6+ quake, and we have to assume "the big one" would be much worse, you are doing good to stand up, much less walk. Running down stairs would be impossible. Plus, you'd think people in LA would know what to do in a quake. The biggest danger is falling objects. Rule #1 - stay put and get under something heavy if possible. Don't run down the hall yelling "What's happening?" over and over. It's LA. It's called an earth quake. And the guy jumps in his car and tries to drive across the city to get to his girl friend. While the quake is in progress. Really? This movie would have to improve to be bad.