Kite Liberator

2008 "Dangerous Things Still Come In Small Packages..."
Kite Liberator
5.6| 0h58m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 21 March 2008 Released
Producted By: Happinet Pictures
Country: Japan
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Years after the events that transpired in Kite, Sawa's whereabouts are a mystery. During this time, rumors of a new killer have begun to circulate the city. They call her the Angel of Death, an unfeeling assassin who eliminates her targets with grace and precision, leaving only a flurry of feathers as her calling card. What the public is unaware of is the fact that this notorious hitman is a polite young lady named Monaka. Like her spiritual predecessor, Monaka has lost most of her family, and her father's duty as an astronaut keeps him practically worlds apart. However, they are close despite the physical distances and Orudo promised his daughter that he would return. Until then, daily life for the timid and somewhat clumsy Monaka involves mostly school and her part time job as a waitress, but her nature completely changes once she receives an assignment.

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scythecow This felt like a rough cut of a first episode of a series. I remember really liking Kite for being gritty, dark, and provocative. The characters and story have no depth. This "sequel" is just pointless. There is no ending and every part of the plot is ridiculous and absurd. I could write a better screenplay myself in a week or less. Plot summary: There's a teenage girl who likes killing (suspects?) criminals and whoever she's upset with. Her father turns into a space monster because of Japanese food and lands on Earth with a decidedly bad temper. Featherballs.It wasn't offensively bad and there's nothing wrong with the animation so I'll give it a 3 I guess.
DoubtfulHenry An average school girl has a part time job as a waitress and maintains an average life in an inner city home. However, what her friends and co-workers don't know is that she's also a cold blooded assassin. Nights she spends killing apparently evil men throughout the city. Her father works on a space station and longs to see her, also unaware of her moonlighting hobby.Kite Liberator is sort of a sequel to Yasuomi Umetsu's film Kite. The mood is decidedly less depressing and the theme material is handled much less gratuitously. Kite, was more or less a hentai with some nice action fight scenes thrown in. Kite Liberator is more of an action film, with some comedy throughout.The animation is quite smooth, the shootouts and chases are fast and the explosions are big. All this is good but the action never seems to reach the peak of it's potential. All the characters battling feel graceful and capable of prolonged conflict but none of the action scenes go on very long and even the climax at the end felt snubbed.Any number of ideas are presented and not a single one is carried to term. Character arcs are started and begin to be flushed out, when the movie is suddenly and confusingly halted. This annoyed me mostly because i actually was liking the characters i saw. Just as i was getting interested in them the credits began to roll. In general, Kite Liberator ends feeling very premature and half baked.See it of you like assassin's and some smooth action but don't have the time or desire to invest in layered characters or story.7/10
polysicsarebest Well, this is pretty much identical to the original Kite and Merzzo Forte; violence, some great animation, perverted comedy, and an extremely dark tone. It's nice to see that the unneeded graphic sex was given up in favor of an actual plot (!) with somewhat fleshed-out characters, for once. The plot itself is pretty cliché and nothing we haven't seen a thousand times before, but I have to give them credit for trying.It's too bad, though, that despite all the style and some violence and an overall entertaining time, the whole thing just doesn't add up to... well... anything. It just kind of falls apart and ends. Extremely lazy and stupid and pointless ending will probably annoy almost every potential fan of this film....I'd rate this somewhere above Kite and Mezzo Forte, but it's still not that great.
Emperor of Cinema Lord of Chambara I love those kind of movies. Blood, Revenge, A Lot of Action, Very Dark, Cheesy and More. But this one doesn't deliver the genre that you might expect. When I saw Kite and Mezzo Forte before, I had fun watching those but why this one not? Kite Liberator is a decent anime and its not hardcore and don't even expect nudity in this movie.At least add some more action to entertain the audience. Even the drama wasn't that good. Well, I don't want to spoil the movie nor the plot.But I felt that Kite Liberator is a bit nerdy. So, without further to do. I don't recommend this movie to everyone but I recommend for the people who love decent and well directed anime.