Kingsman: The Golden Circle

2017 "A proper spy movie."
6.7| 2h21m| R| en| More Info
Released: 22 September 2017 Released
Producted By: 20th Century Fox
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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When an attack on the Kingsman headquarters takes place and a new villain rises, Eggsy and Merlin are forced to work together with the American agency known as the Statesman to save the world.

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schuster_mark I loved the first Kingsman. Original, witty and uniquely BRITISH. Yes, I'm American, but I loved that the original was anything BUT completely Hollywood! So many crappy movies come out of Hollywood every year with the exact same formula and exact same actors. The original Kingsman was refreshing and uniquely different with it's approach and ensemble. This one, not so much. Jeff Bridges?? Julianne Moore?? Halle Berry!!!??? Ugh!! Been there, done that! This movie didn't need their star power (as fading as it may be). It already had what it needed! They could have easily found an actress as talented as Julianne Moore to play the villain (and much cheaper too!). Jeff Bridges? I love this guy (Crazy Heart,The Big Lebowski) - but for every great movie he makes - he's in 10 horrible movies for a paycheck!! I can only surmise the "Great American Sellout" came down to money. Sad. Why do sequels so often go astray from the formula that worked so well with the original??Beyond all of this - it was still a fun movie to watch. It was good, but could have been great. The only other complaint was ELTON JOHN's role in this film. I'm still scratching my head. Yes - he's a musical icon - yes he's about as famous as it gets - but his scenes were just silly and stupid. It was like the writer was a huge fan and figured if he wrote enough flattering scenes he'd get the big guy. Well, I guess it worked - sadly for the film.Like the original? Then watch this one, but don't expect that same European flavor - distinctly British feel - and uniqueness. This is clearly an American franchise now.
klcnoble I get that the film is tongue in cheek but it honestly is rubbish. Zero humour, too much terrible cgi and sooooo many awful plot details. Avoid!
big_hair_x It was fun, though not quite as fun as the original, but what really disappointed me was having so many characters from the first film killed off in this one. Specifically Merlin and Roxxy, who both died in rather anticlimactic fashions (admittedly Roxxy dived out of the room/view so she may have survived for a sequel). After the build up of Merlin getting a suit and knife, to have him die like that (or at all) felt like a waste. And Roxxy is to this film what Newt was to Alien 3.I also felt Channing Tatum was wasted. I was looking forward to seeing him in this as he's always been entertaining but his role was practically a cameo.And why did Whisky have to be a bad guy?! Again, it felt like a waste of a good character/actor and kind of forced for him to turn traitor, intending to let millions die, for the reason he gave.Killing so many good characters didn't really add to the drama, and makes it a lot harder to look forwards to a third film.The president's reaction to the that was great though. I kind of wish there'd been a moment where he'd gloated to Poppy about it.
Furyah I've genuinely never, ever, quit watching a film before it had ended and I've seen my fair share of some pretty terrible movies (Jesus Superstar comes to mind), but man, this was just awful. Joe's Apartment is the pinnacle of filming achievement compared to this.