King Arthur: Excalibur Rising

King Arthur: Excalibur Rising
2.6| 1h39m| en| More Info
Released: 01 March 2017 Released
Producted By: Front Row Filmed Entertainment
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A re-imagining of the Arthurian legend centered around Arthur's illegitimate son Owain who must learn to take up his father's mantle as king.

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Front Row Filmed Entertainment

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Leofwine_draca KING ARTHUR: EXCALIBUR RISING is a terrible British indie fantasy flick made to cash-in on the new release by Guy Ritchie. It's a lamentable effort from beginning to end and one of the worst I've ever seen. The story takes ideas, themes, and characters from the Arthurian myths and throws them into one lengthy, dragged-out whole. The general look is of a budget GAME OF THRONES, with some bloody kill scenes here and there and lots of wooden acting. The look is mildly convincing but there's virtually no story here and not enough to sustain a half hour short, let alone a full-length feature. Towards the end a guy who is the spitting image of Gandalf the Grey in THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING turns up and of course you know he's meant to be Merlin. Mere words cannot describe the badness of this production.
birdbig2 . I wish I had read the reviews before I watched the movie.I can not add to what everyone else has commented on.I gave a 1 star rating only for the music. Too bad the acting and script and plot were not as good. Was this done as a high school art project?
David E First, I am pretty forgiving of movies. I watch to enjoy myself. I can deal with mediocre movies and still enjoy myself. Second, I don't mind the re-telling or re-imagination of a tale. For example Excalibur 1981 is amazing. I also enjoyed the 2004 version of King Arthur with Clive Owen. 2 very different approaches to King Arthur. Now, about this movie. As I said in the title, wow, and not in a good way. The acting isn't just bad, it's laughable. The story is an interesting idea that gets lost in the horrible script and horrible CGI. And making Merlin look like a cut-rate Gandalf was a bad idea. The Lady of the Lake lives in a scum filled pond. One good thing is the movie is 99 minutes; about 30 minutes less than a real movie. One other good part was the opening scene of the Battle of Camlann. After that, it is all down hill. Thanks Redbox for the bait and switch. You see, I only saw this movie because I thought I was renting a different movie. Who knew there were 2 movies in 2017 named King Arthur. I guess I should have paid closer attention to the subtitles. There is no reason Redbox should have this horrible of a movie to rent. The only reason I can think is they wanted my $1.50 now and then pay again when King Arthur Legend of the Sword is released. So, watch this movie if it is cheap or free but be prepared. Set your expectations very low and you might do alright.
actualandy Avoid like the voice...awful from start to finish. 1. Lets get a load of welsh drama students 2. Re-create king Arthur 3. Get a really bad director 4 Forget a producer 5 £30 on after effects for wolfI feel like getting some cash together and making a film. Dead easy if this film is getting released. makes me mad...