
2014 "Inside Us Lives A Killer."
6.4| 2h17m| en| More Info
Released: 01 February 2014 Released
Producted By: Nikkatsu Corporation
Country: Japan
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A psychotic executive triggers a journalist's dark side, and they begin to form a strange bond through the internet.

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Fella_shibby A brutal and yet intriguing movie with a highly original plot. Not for the faint of heart. Intense kill scenes, surreal and psychological imagery and plenty of suspenseful action throughout. Creative cinema going on here. There is good acting from both leads and the supporting actors. Props to Kazuki Kitamura (Kill bill 1 n 2, Raid 2, Azumi 1 n 2, Suspect x). He is awesome in this film. He has that killer appeal that is really interesting to watch. The other lead Oka Antara (Raid-2, VHS-2 segment Safe haven) acted well too. The tagline "Inside Us Lives A Killer" really tells us about this flick. Good suspense n tension thruout. Scenes that felt like final ones but they weren't. There was tension in finding out how would the characters end up. Though some were guessable, there were several unexpected scenes. Directed by Kimo Stamboel n Timo Tjahjanto known as The Mo Brothers (Macabre, Takut-segment Dara, ABCs of death-seg Libido, VHS-seg Safe haven). Jus a lil bad part of this flick. A bit long n the hotel chase scene looked too fake. I mean how he evades all those men???
Leofwine_draca KILLERS is something different, a hard-hitting and explicitly violent serial killer outing made as a co-production between Indonesia and Japan. It's a film of two halves, one that tells two separate story lines that gradually merge before meeting up at the climax.The initial storyline is a Japanese-based tale about a guy who goes around murdering beautiful young women in the most vicious way imaginable. Even worse, he uploads footage of his crimes to the Internet for other users to enjoy. This is in the same territory as THE CHASER or I SAW THE DEVIL, absolutely disturbing viewing without dwelling on needless protracted torture or the like. Needless to say it's gripping, with subtle acting and a mature approach to the story.The second storyline is set in Indonesia, and brings to mind the world of THE RAID and its sequel; a couple of actors from those films feature prominently. It involves a journalist who fails to bring down a crime boss and soon finds himself driven into his own murky world of vigilante violence. The film's heart is present in the form of the likable Oka Antara, a guy who goes on a dark yet gripping journey.The storyline is unpredictable throughout, only becoming predictable for the violent climax. But for the most part it's exemplary: dark, harrowing, exciting, the sort of wide-reaching storyline that can only be told through cinema screens. The reason it's so good is that it focuses on the psychology of the killers, which makes this much more than another boring slasher. It's outstanding, in fact.
banyubee i really love this moviesome people said that this movie just too gory with no reason well, actually the main highlight of this movie actually is the difference between these two charactersboth are killers but yet have very different reason itself the character development just spot on and i can't ask for moremain actors are great and i just so in love with this movie and personally i don't think this movie is too gory or sadistic it's pretty mild if you already watch the mo brothers work beforeall and all it's such a great movie
aldri-feb Too much violence, disturbing and overlong makes Killers hardly to watch for audience who seeks entertainment. It gives an uncomfortable feeling during seeing it especially for those who couldn't stand bloody violence and torture things. Some scenes are also quite silly that makes me confuse how this material comes from The Mo brother's. Fortunately the movie is saved by convincing performances from Kazuki Kitamura and Oka Antara. Especially for Kazuki Kitamura, he seems enjoying his role as a psychotic fearless killer and somehow succeeded to annoy audience with his brutal gesture. Perhaps Killers is not bad and still above average Indonesian movie that only offers immoral sensuality and horror. But with inappropriate torture and some disturbing violence scenes give the movie unacceptable to see for audiences except for the genre fans.