Kill List

2012 "Who’s next?"
6.4| 1h35m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 03 February 2012 Released
Producted By: UK Film Council
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Nearly a year after a botched job, a hitman takes a new assignment with the promise of a big payoff for three killings. What starts off as an easy task soon unravels, sending the killer into the heart of darkness.

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false flag terrorism Neil Haskell, the lead, isn't a bad actor, but because he was in cockney drivel like 'football factory' and various other low budget British 'gangster' films, often also starring Danny Dyer-by-name, usually also directed by Nick Love, they always stick together don't they? Anyway, we are supposed to believe that a boring fat guy sulking because he has no job, is in fact, some sort of brutal hit-man, with a big house and a hot wife, presumably he purchased her on Amazon or something?Just violence and swearing for the sake of it, with clichés and cockney slang thrown in! The lead is supposedly greatly against paedophilia (who isn't?), but is happy to shout and swear in front of his own child, whilst thrown stuff around the house and abusing said hot wife that he purchased. Dire! The ending was dire!
arfdawg-1 The Plot. Nearly a year after a botched job, a hit-man takes a new assignment with the promise of a big payoff for three killings. What starts off as an easy task soon unravels, sending the killer into the heart of darkness.This has got to be one of the most boring long drawn out pieces of garbage I have ever seen. The movie has no real direction and just rambles on and on and on.The acting is fine, but it's a real snooze fest.Let's play a game. I am a third into the movie right now....let's see if it gets better in real time. So far it sucks.Half way point and I am bored out of my mind.Three Quarters in and no changeOVER. It's shite.
Prichards12345 Movies the writers/Director has seen: Get Carter, Harry Brown, Pulp Fiction, Dog Soldiers, The Wicker Man or take your pick of any Mike Leigh film. Kill List tries to have its cake and eat it by being all things to all men, and as a result, all it ends up being is a hotch-potch.This film is so derivative it's almost laughable. After about 25 minutes of "kitchen sink" drama, where the director confuses people shouting at each other for meaningful scenes, this becomes a tale of two hit men paid a lot of money to kill people on a list. The contractor insists on a contract signed in blood, so you already know where this is going straight away.Neil Maskell as Jay has all the charisma and watchablility of a disused gasworks on a wet afternoon. Michael Smiley as his partner Gal is much better, however. In fact he's the only reason I added a couple of stars. He made this travesty into something you could stick with until the end.Realism? Don't make me laugh. Our hit men leave a trail of evidence a mile wide and yet no police feature in this movie at all. In real life they would have been brought in 24 hours after the first murder. It was actually quite funny to watch them put rubber gloves on AFTER they have entered the murder scene. I understand Jay is having mental problems, but he's supposed to be a professional killer. His claw-hammering of one of the people on the list (after a spot of torture - hey that's okay - the victim's a paedophile) leaves blood on him that would be easily traceable even after he's washed it off. But hey, this is "realistic", right? The victims all thank the killers for murdering them. This is supposed to set up the viewer for a sinister surprise. Nope, even when we get to the Satanist/Wiccan/Pagan/take your pick of cults MP it's more silly than convincing.This film was praised by British film critics, largely because we don't have a film industry these days and for anything to get made in this climate of $200 million blockbusters is something of a triumph. But don't be fooled by the pseuds - this is a bad movie, appallingly plotted and with a terrible script. The actors mumble so much I had to turn my t.v. right up to even catch the dialogue! This is the first film I've seen from this director, and I think he may have the talent to do much better with a decent script. He needs to go back to editing school first, though.
SnoopyStyle Shel (MyAnna Buring) is angry with her husband Jay (Neil Maskell) and his slacker ways. His friend Gal (Michael Smiley) offers him a job but he rejects it. He's angry at Shel for setting it up. Gal's new girlfriend Fiona (Emma Fryer) carves a mark behind the bathroom mirror. Jay accepts the job and goes with Gal to meet the client. The client cuts his hand and Jay's hand sealing the contract in blood. He has three targets for the hit men to kill.It starts with unlikable characters in a slow grind. Then it turns into a weird thriller. Finally, it turns into a crazy horror. The changes in genres get tougher and tougher. There is some foreshadowing but it does need some preparations. I do get thrown off somewhere in the second half. As it gets crazier, I stop caring about the characters or their stories.