Kicking & Screaming

2005 "All his life, Phil Weston has dreamed of being on a winning team. Phil...your time has come."
5.6| 1h35m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 13 May 2005 Released
Producted By: Mosaic Media Group
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Phil Weston has been unathletic his entire life. In college he failed at every sport that he tried out for. It looks like his 10-year old son, Sam, is following in his footsteps. But when Phil's hyper-competitive dad benches Sam, Phil decides to transfer his son to a new team which needs a coach. Phil steps in to be the temporary coach and immediately begins to butt heads with his dad over this new competition in their lives.

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David Tate I am a longtime fan of Will Ferrell and I rented this film when I was in my teens to see if it was amusing or not. Unfortunately, I ended up feeling extremely disappointed after seeing how mean-spirited Will Ferrell was in the film. I also didn't think the jokes worked. I don't place the blame on Will Ferrell, I place the blame on the script. I know there are people out there who like it, but I didn't. So, more power to the people who like it.
liam-ranga Probably one of the most classic and funny Will Farrell, you know they always say never work with animals or children but in this movie it is a delightful change.There are probably allot of people who disagree with me but this movie is one of my favorites. Seeing Will fighting for his dad's respect by coaching his sons soccer team that eventually goes on to verse his dad's soccer team just gave me a whole 95 minutes of warm hearted laughs and a nice nostalgic feeling.Although the plot wasn't two good the kids did some pretty decent child acting (I hate child actors) and comparing Josh Hutcherson then to Josh Hutcherson now this movie showed the potential of Josh Hutcherson as a child which at the end of the day ultimately made his career.I would recommend this movie to everyone looking for a comedy to add to there list it is just a really enjoyable movie with a star studded cast which back then weren't too famous. I gave this movie a 5.8 for the listed reasons above.
Steven Kicking and Screaming marked the first sports movie that Will Ferrell starred in. While it is not as funny of a movie as Talladega Nights or Blades of Glory, it works. Will Ferrell stars as Phil Weston, a loving dad who wishes that his son would get more playing time in recreation league soccer. Ironically, the team his son is on is coached by Phil's dad (played very comedically by Robert Duvall). When the coach says no, this causes Phil to become a soccer coach himself. Ferrell makes this character one of his own. This movie is a Will Ferrell movie, but it is targeted more toward younger audiences. Ferrell does put some of his usual attitudes and mannerisms, and in the case of Kicking and Screaming, it works.
morrison-dylan-fan After having enjoyed Will Ferrells other films,i decided to pick this one up,and while it is a present enough family film,it has a bit of a "Cookie cutter" feel to it. The plot:Ferrell is Phil Weston,a guy who has always tried to in press his dad Buck (Robert Duvall) at how he does sports,but he has sadly failed to do so.Yet when he sees his son football team without a coach,he decides that he should coach the team,so they beat the team his dad coaches and with help getting a co-coach in Mike Ditka,they start winning,but can they get to the final?View on the film:Direction:Director Jesse"son of Bob"Dylan is sadly unable to get the film past the point where you forget the other movies that are very like this(The bad news bears being the main one.)and the speed the team improve means that you don't get any feeling of joy when they win a match. Cast:While Ferrell gives a fine performance,the very surprising highlight is Mike Ditka as himself,who gives a really fun over-the-top performance as the co-coachFinal view on the Film:A pleasant enough film,with some fun performances,that is not able to get past a been-there-done-that feel.