Kevin Smith: Smodimations

2011 "The SModcast Cartoon Show"
Kevin Smith: Smodimations
6.4| 0h58m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 18 October 2011 Released
Producted By: Shout! Factory
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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SmodCo Animations gathered in one big collection. (With excerpts from’s own Hollywood Babble-On and Jay & Silent Bob Get Old!)

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Rupert Pupkin One of the funniest things I have ever seen in my life. I laughed until I cried and then laughed some more. Really funny if your a film or comic book fan, it is clearly made for fans by fans. The bits are absolutely hysterical, and if your a fan of smodcast, its basically just their pod-casts put to animation. There are a lot of times where the animation really makes the jokes a lot funnier. Mosier and Smith are hilarious together and their jokes on Back to the future especially made my sides split open. I love their back and forth and their both extremely clever guys. SModimations is also conveniently on netflix, so if your looking for something new to watch or put on your queue, get SModimations. If you have some time to kill and love Smith and Mosier,I could not recommend more that you check this out.
gavin6942 What is the point of this cartoon? I have no idea. My impression is that it serves no purpose other than to showcase the artistic talent of Steve Stark (whose style seems to be somewhere between "Spongebob" and "Ren and Stimpy"). Smith and Mosier waste a lot of time rambling... and most of it is just not all that funny. Their best material was used up long ago, and now it is just drug stories.Sure, making fun of Aquaman is fun. Easy, but fun. And, yeah, people (like me) will watch it because they still maintain an allegiance to Smith on some level. And this, in turn, will provide great exposure for Steve Stark (whose name I never heard yesterday but will now never forget).If you want to hear Smith and Mosier ramble, this might be for you... but it is really no better or worse than any other podcast they have made.