Kenny & Dolly: A Christmas to Remember

1984 "Their first special together!"
8.2| 0h44m| G| en| More Info
Released: 02 December 1984 Released
Producted By: Lion Share Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A holiday musical special with Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers based around their best-selling album "Once Upon a Christmas."

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Lion Share Productions


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ken Craig When Kenny&Dolly did the Christmas to remember show my Girls were 8 and 3,We taped the whole thing including commercials,it has been a joy watching them play it over and over thru the years.the commercials are about as enjoyable to watch as Kenny&Dolly's performances.This Christmas we received a CD of the show and still enjoy it although we do miss the commercials.This is part of our family celebration every year.I always thought that sooner or later the two of them would team up for a sequel but maybe they just thought it best not to try because it would be hard to improve on the quality.I think this show will go down as the best Christmas special ever,I'm glad that my Grandsons will have this to watch when they get older