Kapoor & Sons

2016 "Since 1921."
7.7| 2h17m| en| More Info
Released: 18 March 2016 Released
Producted By: Fox Star Studios
Country: India
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Returning home to visit their ill grandfather, two estranged brothers must confront their unresolved rivalry while their parents’ marriage frays.

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ragpap93 The Plot:- Rishi Kapoor as the granddad, a playful old man, a practical joker (I find annoying and silly but excusable as its more about the drama) has a heart attack. His son and daughter in-law rush him to the hospital. His grandsons, one in London and the other in New Jersey were informed so they both head for Coimbature, where the drama slowly unfolds. The granddad has a childish sense of humor, which is more realistic than the soapy tears and sentimental dialogues. The parents and sons bring the fun in dysfunctional. Constantly bickering. Not much at first but after spending a few minutes together tensions are brought to the surface. Favoritism and sibling rivalry is addressed. The Arjun character taking the brunt of the unfair victimization leaves to blow off some steam. Tia played by Alia Bhatt is another joker in this film, great character but with just a couple of tiny part-faults, part boons: 1. The actor herself, I find her really annoying, do not get me wrong she has potential and chooses good roles but she's not funny. 2. She redefines gender roles which is a good thing but she's the dominating character in every role and at the same time sweet and innocent and helpless. My feelings for her is complicated lets leave it at that. Please pass the cheese as we have a girl who comes in between two brothers. Well that was what I thought at first when Tia and Arjun were supposed to kiss thanks to the clichéd spin the bottle premise. It was interrupted. Rahul looking to buy some property also finds Tia. Tia in her drunkedness kisses Rahul. Note that she did all the kissing as it will come back later. Arjun reveals to Tia about his writing aspirations and how his brother's novel seemed to have similar characters and subplots to his first draft. Tia on her birthday reveals about her parents tragic death and her last words to them. They died on their birthday. It is not love at first sight thank god but a slow and realistically blossoming romance between the two which gives it depth. Rahul crashes his dad's car. His dad was about to blame Arjun for it when Rahul steps forward and takes responsibility. The father later gave the impression that he was at the garage getting the car serviced.Climax: Skip this part if you haven't watched the movie. When granddad is discharged from the hospital a welcome party was initiated. Sunitha the mother or jealous wife in this case makes a scene when her husbands female colleague shows up, party cancelled. Rahul explains that he invited said person and generally takes his father's side on this matter. Tia said she had to tell Rahul something, you know what that means? Meanwhile Sunitha was going through Rahul's PC. Rahul and his uncle were traveling in a car when Rahul seeing something suspicious gets out of the car and sends his uncle away. He goes to investigate. What he saw was his father's car with that dent in it from the crash earlier, in the driveway of the woman Sunitha suspects her husband of having an affair with. The infidelity is true as it turns out. Also Sunithaji aap ka beta gay hai=Sunitha ma'am your son is gay. Sunitha confronts Rahul about his homosexuality which by the way hats of to the director who understands that the typical gay stereotype is just that, a stereotype and a gay guy or girl may in fact just behave normally. In the argument it just slips from Rahul about his father's infidelity issue. The granddad's wish about taking a family picture is explored. An argument breaks out instead. Husband and wife argue over the infidelity, siblings argue over Tia and Rahul kissing Tia when it was Tia who initiated it but she's not Rahul's type and the idea stealing as well is not what it seems. The father drives of and Sunitha was calling his cell. He picks up but a truck collides with his car and he dies and the last exchange with the family was a negative one. Sunitha finally reveals to Arjun that she gave Rahul, Arjun's book idea. Arjun came out of the closet officially. A bittersweet ending unlike the redundant happily ever after.Content: Relevant and interesting for me but two cringe-worthy scenes or discussions rather. 1.Would you eat poop for money 2. Granddad and grandsons talking about smut. A mention of cartoon porn, hentai anyone. 3. Granddad explains that he saw Ram Teri Ganga Mailli 14 times for the scene where Mandakini getting wet in a white sari by the waterfall. The joke returns later on with Arjun bringing a life size poster of Mandakini in the white wet sari. Furthermore a life size poster of the deceased father for the family picture adds to the bittersweet ending as an inside joke so this one is kind of okay. A cool scene I liked, granddad and grandsons sharing a joint. Don't do drugs however folks.In conclusion a good movie overall for the drama genre.
sanjubhat The movie is about a dysfunctional Indian family ... the fights , misunderstandings ,complicated relationships .... something which most of us as Indians can easily relate to.The story primarily focuses on two brothers ,Fawad khan , a successful writer living in UK and Siddharth Malhotra, also a wannabe writer still trying to find his feet in the US . It also deals with the lives of their parents Rajat Kapur and Ratna Pathak shah who are trying to get their married life back on track. Not to forget ... the tharki buddha ... Rishi Kapoor as the grandfather, in an awesome role which really invokes spontaneous laughter with his witty one liners. the old one is as horny as a teenager with raging hormones. .. trying to smoke pot on the sly, watch porn on his I-papad (I-pad ) ,making cheesy comments abt the nurses in the hospital and what not . But he is also a lovable old guy who wants to keep the family together and have a happy family pic with all of them ... and hence the title .Complications occur with the entry of Alia Bhatt ( who does not have much of a role ) ..... she first falls for the "maa ka accha baccha" Fawad and then realizes that she gets along better with the rebellious Sid ... this causes a lot of complications in the brothers lives .... how they sort out things forms the rest of the story.The first half is light with lots of funny moments mainly due to Rishi Kapoor and his amazing potty ,porn and pyt (pretty young things) jokes. . The second half is more serious .. Rona Dhona ... melodrama and a few twist as the climax unfolds . Remember it is a Karan Johar film ........ and there is someone who is not who he seems to be ... wont tell who thou( spoiler alert!!!) smile emoticon:)All the members of the cast have acted well."Ladki beautiful " is quite catchy and will definitely appeal to the young crowd .. nothing much to say abt the music otherwise. Direction is okay .My rating : 3 Stars ( ***). I recommend watching the movie primarily for the 1st half and Rishi Kapoor's acting which really makes it worth every penny spent.
Nitin Grover One of the most under-rated but surely among the best Hindi movies of 2016. It is a family drama with a tinge of comedy and romance. But what stands out is the truthfulness with which the conflicts between all characters is portrayed. I guess any viewer will be able to relate the film to his family in some way or another. Casting for all the parts seems apt. Rishi Kapoor brings forward his acting prowess playing a 90 year old grandfather. He is the eldest Kapoor but his amazing comic timing brings a lightness to the film. The two grandsons are played by Fawad Khan and Siddharth Malhotra. Both play their parts well while you might at some instances find Siddharth strained to show his emotions. Alia Bhatt does not really play a central character but her performance stands out. She is effortless in her portrayal of a myriad of emotions from fun to romantic to sad. This movie is a bit of an emotional roller-coaster and bound to leave you teary-eyed at times.
Najeeb Hasan What a movie!!! A real portrayal of the LGBT character instead of what Bollywood has portrayed .. This is what they are in real life..just too normal to recognize.. Perfect son!! Successful and sensitive and understanding.. I watched this movie twice and it was as refreshing as it was when I watched for the first time.. First of all !! Hats off Fawad!! Take a bow!!! You deserve an award !! Rishi Kapoor is just superb!! And the storyline direction cameras were just brilliant !!! It serves all purpose for a perfect family drama... Of course Sid is a bit stone faced but gradually he will improve..all in all the representation of Gay character was just brilliant and he did it so smoothly.. This is what Indian audience need instead of all those girly feminine stereotypes of gay men..