Just One of the Girls

1993 "He'll do anything for love."
5.6| 1h31m| R| en| More Info
Released: 13 September 1993 Released
Producted By: Saban Entertainment
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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To save himself from the biggest bully in school, Chris Calder has to dress himself up like a girl to avoid Curt. When the disguise works, he is forced to stay a girl - with disastrous results. Curt falls for the new girl in school while Chris falls for the bully's sister, a beautiful blonde cheerleader. High school is hard enough without worrying if your wig is on straight. Chris soon find out he can't hid in his sister's skirts. But is he man enough to reveal his secret and fight for the girl he loves?

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lisafordeay Just One Of The Girls is a Teen Romantic Comedy that came out in 1993 and stars Corey Haim as a young teenager named Chris who is constantly being bullied by one of the guys in school and can't even get into school without being pushed around. So Chris decides to disguise himself as a girl only for his guise to be permanent at his school. Problems arise however when he falls in love with a girl who becomes friends with him in school. Chris eventually gets a shock when he finds out that the girl he became friends with as a girl is actually the sister of the guy who bullies him in school. So how far can Chris go as a girl at his school?Overall its a silly film about a guy who becomes a girl and it reminds me of She's The Man only gender swapped for example in She's The Man its a girl that disguises herself as a boy whereas in this film its a guy who becomes a girl.If you are into these films then do check it out.
callanvass Chris Calder (Corey Haim) is constantly bullied at school by a bully named Kurt. When he has to attend the same school as Kurt and his cronies, Chris decides to pull off a dangerous scheme by posing as a girl. Everybody ends up believing Chris is a girl. Chris becomes close with his crush Marie Stark (Nicole Eggert) Marie is Kurt's sister, and Kurt ends up falling for Chris as a girl, blissfully unaware that Chris is the bully they pick on. If you've seen She's the Man or Just One Of the Guys you'll know what to expect from this one. All things considered, it wasn't half-bad. It never takes itself too seriously, and Corey Haim should be commended for his committed performance in this one. He dresses up in women's clothing, and isn't afraid to humiliate himself. This movie is far from memorable, but one thing it's good for is some decent laughs. I couldn't help but chuckle at some of the silly things Corey Haim did in this movie. Nicole Eggert plays the token cheerleader very well. Haim & Eggert were together for a while in real life at one point as well. It's predictable, and it's your average "Guy gets the girl, overcomes the odds storyline" But considering Corey Haim's huge drug issues by the time this was released, it's a pretty decent effort. It's worth a watch on a rainy day if you can find it. You'll forget it as soon as it's done, though5.4/10
jfgibson73 Just One Of The Girls is a cheesy early 90's comedy starring Corey Haim and Nicole Eggert. Corey dresses up as a girl to keep from getting beat up at school. This leads to confusing situations with his friends, family, and teachers. Corey is completely unconvincing as a girl, but in his world, he is able to pull off anything.The film is more amusing as a so-bad-its-funny mess, and struck me as existing in the same universe as Vanilla Ice's movie. There were some parts that worked the way they were intended, also. I enjoyed how the lead bully was smitten with Corey's female counterpart, and Nicole Eggert actually made you feel bad for her.It's completely predictable and totally ridiculous, but I found it all very entertaining. The cameo at the end by Alanis singing early 90's dance pop was icing on the cake. I'm only giving it a four because it's not a well-made movie, but I thought it was a lot of fun.
ivana-7 I watched this movie like 5 times and i loved it each time. But the last time I wached , I saw something I didn't think I would see. It was in the last 5 minutes of the movie. I saw Alanis Morissette singing. She was acting as a singer and she was singing some cheesy dance song. I guess if you watch more carefully you'll see wonders.