Jurassic School

2017 "This school project is a runaway hit!"
3.2| 1h25m| en| More Info
Released: 31 January 2017 Released
Producted By: The Asylum
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Nerdy middle schooler Tommy is forced take care of a baby dinosaur after his cloned science fair project hatches early. He quickly begins to think of the creature not only as a pet, but also as a friend. But when the dino escapes on the day of the fair, Tommy must figure out a way to get the creature back before greedy grown-ups get to the dinosaur first.

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TheLittleSongbird Was expecting not so good things, considering the studio 'Jurassic School' comes from (a studio that churns out so many mediocre at best and often terrible films and few decent ones). Gave it the benefit of the doubt because it sounded like an inoffensively cute idea and as someone who's enjoyed some dinosaur films in the past (naming them will be unfair on the film but the most obvious example springs into many people's heads straight-away).'Jurassic School' is not what one calls great, or even good. For me most of it was pretty bad actually. Having said that, also have seen far worse films overall and especially recently and it's adequate for a child/family-friendly film, as long as not too much is demanded. Tried to take 'Jurassic School' for what it was and what it tried to be and do, watching with the intent to not take things too seriously. Trying to take all this into account, 'Jurassic School' poorly executes so many elements and even younger viewers are likely to find it a struggle.Gabriel Bennett is an appealing enough young lead and the best thing about the film, he does infuse some energy and spirit and tries not to go over-the-top or take things overly seriously as well not being too much of a brat or too cutesy. Some of 'Jurassic School' is not too badly shot and the music is an okay and lively if not hugely memorable fit.The rest of the actors don't fare well, some going-through-the-motioners but mostly the film is over-played. It is hard to get behind characters that are so irritating and with not a lot of personality outside of archetypes, with very broad and often unrealistically cartoonish behaviours.Not once is the script anything other than excessive campy cheese and unnaturally-flowing awkwardness. The story is frenetically paced, and full of predictability and with no tension or charm. The relationship between the boy and the dinosaur would have been convincing if the wannabe-cute dinosaur didn't look so cheap or sounded creepy, betrayed in some close-ups.Overall, less than mediocre but not irredeemable. 3/10 Bethany Cox
cornsail There is a robot dinosaur in this movie that poops out donuts. That is all you need to know.
kayekirsten This movie was awful. I hated every second of it. I think that the story line would've been better if they all acted like real people. The adults didn't even act like real adults. It doesn't depict how the people would react to a scenario like this in real life. The dinosaur looked really fake. So nope, I don't recommend watching this movie. There are lots good dinosaur movies, just not his one.
Enkidu kids acting was fine, parents were OK,Doctor and teacher were god, dinosaur animation was acceptable, but when camera gets close and they use the plastic version, god that's horrible horrible! even those kids could do better job. why did the producer ruin everything by being so careless about the dinosaur its self. the voice of dinosaur, was that a man trying to make baby crying voice?!