June Cabin

2007 "Everyone has something to hide. For Archie, it's an axe."
June Cabin
2.3| 1h22m| en| More Info
Released: 26 June 2007 Released
Producted By: Filmworks/FX
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Seven friends reunite at an isolated summer cabin. Archie shows up with an axe to grind and begins acting a bit strange. Suddenly he goes missing, leaving the others to wonder whether he's coming back. The woods are a big place. Tough to find a lost pal, or see one coming.

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dracula-khan I don't know where to start I am wanted for words to my feelings about something as silly , baseless,tasteless, pointless and above all useless piece of crap. As my friend said earlier that he was at wit end to find out what is happening, hold it even the director I should rather say "mis director" if any has no idea what a artistic movie he made.Through out you will have the feeling that the director wants to shoot or show a dining scene but ends up in "loo".Any one who visited a circus or a zoo for monkey play will find this a direct lift not just plot but even the actors and their leader director are look a close cousin.But this movie delivers proudly in at least one area it helps you to remove dependence on sleeping pill. But nothing comes free in this world so *** BEWARE of the Hangover and over***
phillipsanchez81 I got vod and saw this movie. There wasn't anything new going on and the story was mostly about some guy who has a axe. But he disappears and they go looking for him- sort of. I don't know if that's a spoiler or not but that's what it looked like.The actors are not that god and the best parts all have either sex going on or somebody's getting killed.Whenever you get a horror movie like this I take a minute and ask what's it about. This one's kind of lost and I can't say exactly what it's about but I kind of liked some of the weird stuff. Not to do too much telling but the stuff at the end was okay. It just made me use the skip chapter too much. Overall not that great but I have seen worse.
dennyd-1 People, please save your time and not watch this. There is nothing in this movie that would qualify it as entertaining. There's so much jumping around that it is far too hard to understand. The first 10-15 minutes alone makes you say "huh? what the hell is going on?" Nothing to grab you and make you want to watch this excuse for a camper-slasher flick. I'd rather watch the top 5 movies on IMDb's Worst Movie list than have to watch this again. The characters are paper-thin and unmemorable; there is nothing that distinguishes one character from another, just a bunch of 20-somethings doing drugs, drinking and complaining. I just can't get over how much this movie jumps around - you can't make heads or tails out of it. Very disappointed. Don't waste your time; it's 90 mins of my life I'll never get back.
tunderwood69 This movie is a mess. I honestly didn't have a clue what the hell was going on. It made no sense what-so-ever. The movie was VERY boring and everything came to a close the last 10 minutes of the movie. The story was very weak and lacked substance. The only positive about the movie is that the scenery was beautiful. This could have been a really good slasher film had the filmmakers knew what they were doing. The character "Archie" seems to be the one talking through-out the movie, yet you find out he is killed. So how the hell is is the one "telling the story?! We get several scenes of nudity and sex, I guess to make up for the lack of everything else but even that doesn't save this movie. Notice to the film makers of June Cabin....when you make a horror film, there needs to be a decent story, along with good and believable characters. Gory deaths are expected and nudity is a plus, but not necessarily needed. You guys dropped the ball on it all. What were you thinking? Bottom line....I'vie seen scarier episodes of Goosebumps. This one was lame.