Julian Sas - Dedicat10n

2005 "This man can play the blues. He (Julian Sas) is a great musician. (Blues Matters UK)"
Julian Sas - Dedicat10n
5.5| 2h12m| en| More Info
Released: 02 July 2005 Released
Producted By: Ed Bos
Country: Netherlands
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: https://www.juliansas.com

DEDICAT10N, the second DVD release of blues-rocker Julian Sas, is the recording of the show that celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Julian Sas band. A band by many considered to be the best live act from the low-lands and beyond. The show took place in the 013 venue in Tilburg, a town in the southern part of the Netherlands. The gig was a sell-out and we feel touched by a lucky star because this, already legendary, show has been recorded for prosperity in vision and audio. Above all DEDICAT10N is about Julian Sas’ dedication to his music. He plays, talks, thinks and breathes music. Always with passion. Always with devotion and maximum effort. Music is his life.

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Julian sas


Producted By

Ed Bos

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