Judgement Day

5.1| 1h30m| en| More Info
Released: 24 October 1988 Released
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Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Two travelers stop over in a small village named Santana. Unbeknownst to them, Santana is a village where, once a year, Satan comes to Earth to claim souls, and they just happened to enter the village on that day.

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Babysealfurcoat This movie was a tour de force! I'll remember it always! Hail Satan!!! Other than that I really liked this film. Especially the crappy piece of poop made out of cheap wax model of Satan. The use of pentagrams was very special. I loved the old hag at the beginning that kind of just walked around clad in some crappy robe thing. What the hell did she have to do with anything? Regardless, this movie was fun. 2 thumbs up! I don't understand why this isn't on DVD and available at the Wal-Mart nearest you. It's so special, you'll be reaching for the hardest alcohol in your house to numb the fun out of watching it. You're all going to love it.
bodach76 This movie to many people is a cheesy low budget piece of trash. The concept however, is what saves this picture in my eyes. The ending while considered predictable by some will still throw a few people. It has it's strong points. Ceaser Romero adds something to the movie. It's more or less a fun no brainer with a twist. Not award quality, but a good late night creature feature.
NJJeffNJ O.K., not big budget here, but that's what makes it so good. I thought that many scenes were creepy, although the movie isn't really scary. I also thought that the filming location was excellent, and some of the scenes were shot perfectly. Also, great ending.
witchy_mac Ugggggghhh.That was my reaction to this movie. My friends and I surmise that it was created on a budget of maybe $100, filmed on a personal camcorder, and was (stupidly) taken way too seriously during the filming. They actually thought that this was scary?Well, at least it gave me a different physical interpretation of "Satan," at least... instead of the red guy with the cute tail that has a little spade on the tip, you get a mixture of vampire, devil, and your worst hair day ever all blended into one.On my list of the best flicks to rent for a marathon of sucky movies, this one is #1!!