
5.1| 1h35m| R| en| More Info
Released: 01 January 2006 Released
Producted By: Drexel Box Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Kelby Unger is a young man from a dysfunctional family that lives with his girlfriend Amelia Gates and has sleeping problems with dreadful nightmares. When he proposes Amelia, he coincidently receives a phone call from the warden of the prison of his hometown telling that his father had just died from heart attack. He decides to return to Bisbee for the funeral and Amelia goes with him. Kelby and Amelia lodge at his mother's house and he meets his slut sister Trish, his former friends James Lilly and the policeman Wally and his unknown uncle Tom. When Wally has a nervous breakdown with the name of Joshua, Kelby is haunted by the evil past in Bisbee.

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Drexel Box Productions

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photonman_who_likes_burgers honestly apart from the acting from some of the cast the rest of this movie is great, the final moments are outstanding, the direction the soundtrack and the dialog are great, evan if it comes from some very bad actors, i am not surprised this movie isn't well known the budget gives a new meaning to the word shoestring, but this movie really does deserve attention, give travis betz a bigger budget and let him remake this movie it would be an instant classic honestly the story, the characters, the dialog, and especially the direct are outstanding this guy deserves a bigger budget and he deserves to be congratulated on coming up with something truly original, this is truly a great film, watch it
thobald I love horror films, mostly low-budget ones which are generally more creative and more fun, but I definitely wouldn't recommend this one : the acting is very poor, the main character as expressive as my goldfish. The plot is very interesting, hence the disappointment. The intrigue could have been used in a great way, but here the good idea is wasted. At no point is it scary, the "spinning camera" scenes are laughable, only the main character's girlfriend is credible as a scared woman. Each time you start getting a feeling of entering the movie's atmosphere, the scene is cut and out goes the feeling : the small town atmosphere is just well rendered but the fast forward to the cop/friend ringing at the door messes it up. The cop's attitude was worth a Scary Movie plot. My advice : walk away and go watch Wolf Creek, Salvage or even House of the Dead 2, at least you get a laugh.
naexus6 Not the worst movie I've ever seen, but definitely in the same ballpark. Being from Indiana (where the film was shot "on location"), I was hoping for much more. What some might call "creative, kinetic camera work" is really just a complete lack of understanding about what goes into composing a shot. I can't say how many times you will see the backs of people's heads while they are talking, or their knees as the enter a room, or huge chunks of wall or ceiling instead of characters, or characters moving on and off camera while we get a good loooooooooong look at the freaking lamp in the background. Some of the actors do a decent job - I just wish that I was offered the chance to care about them. The lighting... well, I could go on and on, so I'm going to switch gears and discuss the movie itself. It wasn't scary, which is a bad thing for a horror film. It was confusing. The idea was okay, but it seemed like the best parts were stolen from other horror films. There's a Leatherface scene, a People Under the Stairs scene, a Silence of the Lambs theme, heck - there was a scene from Bring It On that they ended up cutting from the film. I will end by saying that if the director (Travis Betz, I believe) gets a chance to make a film with the help of a cinematographer and a lighting tech (a sound tech wouldn't hurt either), that he seems capable of doing much, much better work. Here's hoping it works out for him.
AcidLoser69 After not being able to find really ANY information on this film, I was rather curious to see it. Well, it finally came out today, and I was very glad I picked it up!The film tells the story of Kelby, a man whom after proposing to his girlfriend receives a strange phone call. It seems his (abusive) father just passed away, so Kelby will need to return back home to arrange the funeral and such. He brings his girlfriend with him, in order to help him "put his past to rest". Thing is, we really have NO IDEA what happened to him in the past other than vague clues through terrifying nightmares.After Kelby and his girl arrive back in his hometown, everything begins to unravel and fall apart. We discover that Kelby's entire family is missing more than a few brain cells, and this leads to the discovery of "what happened".Without ruining the whole twist, the basic story goes as follows: One day Kelby and his best friend (at about age 10) are walking home from school and they take a shortcut through an alley way. There, they discover an abandoned baby in a box thrown away like trash. Together, they decide they will take it to their "clubhouse" and raise it themselves. Of course they are not even CLOSE to mature so they don't do the best job. After about a year they begin to mistreat the child and they begin feeding it dead animals. Eventually they move on to torturing and modifying the child's body. All this is done it seems to create an "evil child", one that will do all of their bad doings for them. They get too carried away with the idea and eventually Kelby can't take the insanity anymore. SO, Kelby and another friend set the "clubhouse" on fire and burn it to the ground, leaving the "monster" child there to burn with it. At least, that's what they MEANT to do...Jump to today, it seems Kelby's two friends haven't got over the whole scenario and they want Kelby to remember and suffer with them. The rest of the film plays out with lots of suspense, filled with twists and turns. Kelby is kidnapped by his now psychotic old friend and forced to relive everything in front of his girlfriend, drug-addict sister, and clueless mother. Kelby then breaks down to their level and is forced to either save his family, or join his crazy ex buddies and continue to raise and abuse children for "the devil".The entire climax (although it drags just a tad) is really well-done and NOT what you see coming. I was surprised by this film, as it's been a while a movie really made me happy I'm a "normal" person, living a nice, "normal" life. It's very depressing, and not for the faint of heart. However, for indie horror fans, this is a welcomed treat not to be missed!