How many WTF moments have you experienced with your teevee? One of mine occurred on a Sunday morning the spring of '92, accidentally intercepted a "Ren & Stimpy" episode. My other WTF moment was well after midnight ten years earlier, sneaked some cable behind my parents' backs and caught one of Night Flight's "J-Men Forever" broadcasts. My prank phone calls never were the same, baby."J-Men" is the trippy '70s drug comedy supreme. Prior to "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid" and "MST3K," decades before Spike dubbed Japanese game shows, the Firesign Theatre guys went berserk with a pile of Republic serials. The result inexplicably works far better than it should, hilarity ensues and you don't even need to be stoned.Especially amazing is the legendary MGK's performance as The Bug. WARNING: You'll begin talking like him after your second viewing.The movie's now available on DVD, so toss your ratty VHS copies in the trash. Invite delinquent friends, have a "J-Men" party. Just remember to dial *67 before you begin the prank calls. Lots of WTFs to go around.
I grabbed the DVD as soon as it was released. Until then, I only had a well worn VHS copy of an old Night Flight broadcast, so the disc was a welcomed addition to my library. There are a few extras on the disk, one of which is an interesting interview with Commando Cody (George Wallace), who interviewer Proctor insists on calling "Commander".Proctor and Bergman also discuss their making of JMF. One disappointment was Bergman's completely unnecessary comments about the war in Afghanistan and the war on drugs. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a guy who has made a living with his counterculture humor would have such a reflex attitude toward "the establishment", but I wish he had kept his ill conceived beliefs to himself. Funny and creative he is. Intelligent and astute he is not. To make matters worse, the entirety of the Proctor/Bergman dialog is plagued by oft-occurring audio dropouts (the rest of the disk is OK).That said, it's still well worth buying. J-Men Forever is a hilarious movie and is one of my favorites.
Rod Morgan
This is insanely, oxygen-depleting laughter-inducing FUNNY stuff. Using public-domain serial footage and dubbing it into a faux noir story with occasional new B&W material, this is laugh-out-loud, fall over funny. Loads of cliches stand on their heads and dance, and the title isn't explained until the v-e-r-y last moment. Help destroy wimpy music - catch this however you can!
Note: No spoilers included. There's not enough of a plot to be spoiled!"Now, ah, Drugs are bad, m'kay?" That's what the J-Men think, and Rock and Roll is just as evil. That's pretty much the plot of the movie. Doesn't sound like much, but trust me, it's more than the movie needs.In this movie, a group of geniuses have taken a bunch of different old movies and serials, (Mystery Science Theater 3000 material) and spliced them to form one gigantic laugh. You see the original footage, but you hear a completely re-dubbed (and much funnier) dialog.