I've always been a fan of John Cale, as I believe many people are, but don't know it. His music has been an inspiration to many other well known artists such as Eric Clapton, Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits. Eric Clapton offers a frank and honest respect to John throughout this documentary, including a funny part where he admits he was jamming with John on stage for three+ minutes before he realized they were playing the Cale song he made famous- "Cocaine". The film documents John's early life in Tulsa, Oklahoma, told in old photos and present day on site interviews. Much of the film is done from the tour bus as they roll from venue to venue, and you get a taste of what life as a traveling musician must be like. There is also some beautiful scenery as the tour bus rolls through Colorado, as well. Many other reviews here are on the money for their descriptions, and should be read, but they all say that the length is wrong- only 90 minutes instead of the 167 minutes listed by IMDb. I believe they were all wrong, and IMDb is correct, because they turned off the film when the credits roll. The film continues on, showing full length performances by JJ doing all the songs he plays during the film, and more. Don't it off at the credits! Enjoy these performances of a late, great artist. John Cale, you were one of the best. Thank you for all the music. You wrote the soundtrack to many of my favorite memories. Rest in Peace.
Michael W. Lasota
Having been allowed behind the scene access during this tour, I have to say that everything you see in these videos truly portrays JJ Cale in the most accurate way possible.The film moves slow, sometimes to the point of boring. But, that's the "laid back" feel you're supposed to get. Waiting for a train to pass, sitting in a parking lot playing guitar. This is the calm, relaxed way John leads his life. Definitely something to look up to considering his financial wealth.The interviews with Eric Clapton are great. He puts Cale on a pedestal (so to say) and credits him properly. I admire that.This film has finally been released in the US as well and definitely worth a look for those interested in the Tulsa Sound, the roots of popular music, and of course, JJ Cale himself.
Saw the film last night at the Nashville Film Festival. The documentary follows Cale and his band on a two week trip to Tulsa and back where Cale talks about his life and his approach to his music. It was great to watch in a lot of ways .. the music was great and, as a longtime admirer of the music, I heard a lot of songs in the film that I would like to own if I could figure out their names, the scenery was kind of cool and made me wonder if the German director (who had never met Cale before he made the film) had also never been through the American southwest.For me, the most poignant parts of the film were with JJ Cale in downtown Tulsa with an acoustic guitar playing his songs -- seeing a musician transforming from a quiet, soft-spoken man into the musical genius that he is in such a mundane setting can be magic.The film also made me think about the way we age. Cale, who tells that he is 65, obviously looks different than he did years ago and the film's photography seemed to let you catch that young musician's face from the photos it showed in the aging face of the man as he is now.It's a great film about a man who could be anyone you know with everyday thoughts, a dry wit and a gentle and humble approach to life.
Rocky Frisco
I'm somewhat prejudiced, since I'm in the film, as the piano player with the Cale Band, but even allowing for that, I still think it's magnificent. If they allowed me to vote even higher than ten, I would. JJ Cale has been an enigma to most of his fans, a mystery, for years. This documentary changes that. The crew from Kick Films really captured the real JJ Cale, not an easy task. I have been playing with Cale off and on since 1957 and the JJ Cale I know is the one you'll see in this film. The DVD has now been released in the USA, on 13 June, 2006 and has been available as a region two DVD in England, Germany and Australia since late 2005. This Documentary is not to be missed!