It's a Beautiful Day

It's a Beautiful Day
4.2| 1h18m| en| More Info
Released: 08 June 2013 Released
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Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Korean international student A-Joong (Kim Kkobbi) takes part in a camp at a country village, located in the suburbs of Los Angeles. A-Joong isn't happy with the Japanese international students who seem to be addicted to alcohol, drugs or sex. At that time, some brothers, who make a living through murders and burglary, target the cottage where the international students stay.

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ebossert It's A Beautiful Day (aka Kuso Subarashii Kono Sekai) (2013) (Japanese Horror).While visiting California, a group of international students are targeted by two homicidal burglars. The Korean girl (played by Kkob-bi Kim) is the only likable character, since the five Japanese students are jerks. In any case, this is a low budget flick that is rather clunky in terms of execution (some of the supporting actors are poor) but is still dark in tone and nasty in violence. The death scenes are surprisingly bloody and brutal, with the primary weapon of choice being an axe. I thought that this movie was eventually going to settle in and become a completely forgettable slasher, but I was wrong. There's also a bizarre turn of events down the stretch.Some viewers will just find this film offensive, but if you're into bloody, grungy horror then you may want to check it out.This film is not available with subtitles, but most of the characters speak English throughout so subtitles are not very necessary.