Iron Sister

1996 "Life and death combines with battle, madness and sex."
Iron Sister
5.6| 1h32m| en| More Info
Released: 06 January 1996 Released
Producted By: Bao Shiung Film & Communication Co. Ltd.
Country: Taiwan
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Manchuria 1941: Caught sleeping with his Japanese major's mistress, Manchurian collaborator Tung Fei (Jackson Liu Hsiu-hsien) fatally shoots the man and flees for his life. Overcome by fatigue after hours of travel on horseback, Tung eventually awakens to find himself under the care of hunter Suen (Dick Wei) and his daughter, Ironic (Hsu).

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Bao Shiung Film & Communication Co. Ltd.

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Zargo 'Iron Sister' is set in the 30's and is about a young girl (Shu Qi) and her father that take in an injured man who is on the run after killing a Japanese Major. Soon after, this man begins to tear their world apart.A very dark and depressing tale, 'Iron Sister' is of main interest to Shu Qi fans like myself, as her performance is excellent.Unfortunatly the bravely downcast nature of the story is almost ruined by a truly ridiculous voice-over thrown in at the end, which almost make me want to rip the TV screen apart.The film is also misrepresented by the DVD cover, which tries to make you believe you're watching a soft porn flick.While it's hardly a 'must-see', 'Iron Sister' is almost certainly a 'should-probably-see' for any Shu Qi fan