
4.6| 1h29m| R| en| More Info
Released: 28 December 2004 Released
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Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Inheritance tells the tale of sinister old lady Lillian Baker (Marjorie Nelson) & her kind hearted, good natured carer Abigail Nielsen (Jen Taylor). Abigail feels sorry for Lillian & does her best to keep her happy, however one fateful night Lillian passes away in her sleep. Abigail is obviously upset & attends Lillian's funeral to say her goodbyes, it soon comes to light that Lillian has left Abigail her large house & it's entire contents a situation which Lillian's daughter Joan (Kathryn Mesney-Hetter) is unhappy with. The reason for Lillian's generosity becomes clear as her spirit starts to possess Abigail & take complete control of her body...

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beehatch2 I wouldn't bother writing a review, but looking on the site it really is painfully obvious that director, his friends and cast are responsible for most of the reviews here.I have seen things worse than this, but this is towards the bottom. The lead actors are just barely OK and generally have no presence. The lesser actors are pretty much hopeless.The direction is very much of the this happens, then this happens school of thought. There's very little grasp here of how moments feel or tie together. Basically someone got a camera and had some people read some lines in front of it. There's nothing more than this going on here.The cinematography is very stiff and slightly over lit.Looking at the efforts made here to try to promote this film, it is possible they spent more time on marketing it, then on writing their screenplay.Not much else to say. Congratulations guys, you managed to make a movie with no resources (it is tough). It's just not a very good movie.
Paul Andrews Inheritance tells the tale of sinister old lady Lillian Baker (Marjorie Nelson) & her kind hearted, good natured carer Abigail Nielsen (Jen Taylor). Abigail feels sorry for Lillian & does her best to keep her happy, however one fateful night Lillian passes away in her sleep. Abigail is obviously upset & attends Lillian's funeral to say her goodbyes, it soon comes to light that Lillian has left Abigail her large house & it's entire contents a situation which Lillian's daughter Joan (Kathryn Mesney-Hetter) is unhappy with. The reason for Lillian's generosity becomes clear as her spirit starts to possess Abigail & take complete control of her body...Edited, co-written, co-produced & directed by Kris Kristensen all the negative reviews & comments about Inheritance are true as far as I'm concerned. There is one thing I must say at this point, on the IMDb 'User Rating' page for Inheritance, at the time of writing, it has 17 '10' votes out of a total of 74 which just doesn't seem right to me. There is no way on Earth that Inheritance should have almost twice as many '10' votes as any other, I mean this film is just so bad it's untrue & those votes have to be fake, they just have to be otherwise I will lose all faith in humanity & question my entire existence on this planet. Now, what can I say about Inheritance? Well nothing particularly good that's for sure. Basically the whole thing is terrible, the story is very predictable, it has very few character's & no subplots to alleviate the tedium. This might have made a decent 25 odd minute Tales from the Crypt (1989 - 1996) episode because at almost 90 minutes this is tedium incarnate.Director Kristensen films on what looks like a camcorder & has that cheap & nasty look to it. This has all the grace & visual flair of a soap opera but none of the style... The climax is hilariously bad as Kristensen tries to make three old ladies in their 80's or 90's look threatening & menacing! There is no tension, atmosphere or scares. There is no blood or gore & one tame sex scene.Technically this has to be one of the most low-budget films ever, nothing happens & it all take space in one house with three basic actors. On a completely unrelated note while still a blonde Taylor the lead actress in Inheritance looks like a girl I know, she ended up crushing chocolates I brought for her under her high heeled shoes & gave me a good kick in the privates but that's another story...Inheritance is awful, there really isn't much else to say & I can't really think of one positive thing to say about it. If you are unlucky enough to rent it out just don't say you weren't warned...
bmagrini This is really a sleeper and I was surprised at how good it was. This is not your run of the mill horror flick. It is more intellectually frightening, than grotesquely horrifying. It was one of those flicks where you stare at the credits after the movie is over because you are still pondering its affects on you. Very few movies do that to me. The acting and story were both first class, but I attribute the film's overall quality and appeal to the excellent direction on the part of Kris K. I would like to see more of his work, because he definitely has a talent for crafting a story and putting the audience in the mood he wants them to be.Excellent movie!
JeffreyS_72 Brilliantly chilling. Beautifully shot. Artfully subtle. INHERITANCE is a great film. I've seen about a dozen indy/low budget films at festivals over the past five years and I don't like indy films in general, but this is one of two I have been surprised by and liked. Once it gets moving it's a very enjoyable cinematic ride. The story is great and well told. The film is sort of a noirish mystery/ghost story with a really great psychological undercurrent. A number of scenes had me practically vibrating in my seat with chills. The gorgeous palette and sets really added to the story as does a wonderful soundtrack with a couple of original songs by Robyn Hitchcock. I bet Twilight Zone and Buffy fans will really like it.