I wonder how many times the word 'time' is mentioned in In Time. It's a lot of times, I'm sure, but I didn't take the time to count. Maybe next time.Starring Just-In Time-berlake and Amanda Seyfried (whose name doesn't really lend itself to any clever time-related puns), this film has a very intriguing premise - that time is a commodity that can be bought or sold, allowing the rich to live indefinitely while time runs out for the poor.Sadly, writer/director Andrew Nichol fails to do the idea justice, his film spending most of its running time being little more than one long chase, as his photogenic leads try to bring down a big-time time magnate, while Timekeeper (i.e. cop) Raymond Leon works around the clock to call time on their antics. It'll only be a question of time before you'll be picking holes in the plot, Nichol having clearly not spent enough time ironing out In Time's wrinkles.4/10, just for keeping me amused for most of the time with its incessant use of the word 'time'. Best line of dialogue: 'Time'.
What else can i say? The main problem with this story is that first we get the promise of a Sci-Fi thriller that sadly ended being just a Bonnie&Clyde love story arc with Justin Timberlake kicking everybody ass. All the Sci-Fi elements become really pointless at the end of the movie and its sad cause (again) at the beginning it looks like a really good story.
Too many glaring plot holes really screws this movie out of any enjoyment value for me. I can't stand it when the reasons for a characters actions aren't adequately explained. (Perhaps if the story was better I wouldn't have had time to pick it apart.)IN TIME posits that time is now the world's currency. Everyone carries around their life's savings displayed as a digital clock in their arm. Anyone can take or give you 'life' by merely clasping your arm. If this was the case, I think murders and muggings wouldn't be restricted to a couple of 'minutemen' (hoodlums) driving around in a car. Every single street corner would have someone who, about to run out of time, was primed to steal your time.The premise states that all people born are immortal; genetically engineered to stop aging at 25. This sounds great until we're told that this age marker initiates a countdown starting at 1 year worth of time. If your counter reaches zero you die, instantly and painlessly.All income and payments for goods and services in this new world are applied in time units. The ultra-rich have thousands of hours on their clocks and the corporation they run manipulate what time is worth in order to control the population of workers.Several things really bothered me about this premise. How do people live until they are 25 if their clock doesn't start until then? How do they perform the transactions needed to purchase food or receive wages? I saw one child begging for money (time) using a 'cassette', but that scene only opened up more questions. I can see why the film glossed over the problem.With only a few Timekeepers wandering around, crime would have been rampant. Look how easily 2 people could take what they wanted from the time loan banks and even from the Greenwich ultra-rich.What could have made this film better? I would have had Will download the million years into his arm which would make his clock malfunction. He would then download his malfunction to every person he could, and ask them to do the same, starting a chain reaction. This would be the start of a revolution. That's as far as I want to go without rewriting the book but it would have been a more satisfying ending in my opinion.
Julio Medina Samamé
This movie is one of my favorites because it represents very well the reactions of the society in some situations. For example, Will's best friend is a good example of someone that lives in poverty and when he suddenly gets an enormous amount of money, he starts wasting it. I think this movie can be used as a reflection for more than one person.The idea of replacing money with time is something that really surprised me at first, but later I saw a very good metaphor hidden in it.The only thing that I didn't like was the surreal affair between Will and Sylvia. It was difficult to believe that something like that could be possible. Even with that, I recommend this movie definitely.