I'll Wait for the Next One...

2002 "Man falls in love while in a subway station."
I'll Wait for the Next One...
7.3| 0h4m| en| More Info
Released: 31 July 2002 Released
Producted By: LaBoîte Films
Country: France
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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On a subway train, a man announces that he's looking for someone who might be interested in him; the usual dating methods have not worked, though there's nothing wrong with him. He explains that any interested woman can just get off at the next stop. One woman looks interested...

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LaBoîte Films

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faiij This short film is a comedy film about a guy who starts doing an announcement saying that he is finding someone to date with. So, he hopes to get off at the next station with the one who find him interesting. This film is mostly a monologue from the main male character talking about his lifestyle and his interests in finding someone to date with. His speech is really cute and makes me want to support him. I, personally, really love the way the girl looks at the boy. Also, her facial expression can express her feeling really well. I can see that the girl is really interested in the boy and wants to get to know him more. It just looks so lovely like an ordinary romantic film. the tone of this movie in the beginning tend to be a romantic film. An announcement from the guy saying that he is finding someone to date with is really a dreamlike romantic plot. However, the ending of this film is really surprising and unexpected. It turns the tone of this short film to a comedy (or bad joke?) film instead of romantic film.
saoatama When a lonely woman gets on a train, then a man makes a speech for passangers that he wants a romance, and she must decide wheter just ignore this funny strange man, or candidate for his girl friend...? The woman must be very pure; she doesn't laugh his extraordinary speech. But the better person you are, the harder you live in real world. She looks not happy. She gets jealous to others because she is not satisfied with her life: She has no boy friend, maybe no best friends, and is tired of simple pattern which just goes to her office and goes home every day. The movie is set on only a station and a train. But I can see her miserable life through her tired face and attitude. The true tragedy is not this movie but her life. And actually it can happen to every single person. After watching it, I remember Japanese author, Ango Sakaguchi's words; The love is the flower in your life. And there are not other flowers. Love is essential for life, but I don't know where to find it. Maybe the woman neither. So, I cannot stop sympathizing with her.
maoenjoyhappy A lonely woman who greatly longs for true love meets a stranger at the metro in Paris. He asks single women in the metro who has the same way of thinking of love for getting off at the next station. Then…what becomes of her love, getting off or not? Even though the film is about 4 minutes long, this leaves us emotion sympathized with her. Interestingly, the single lady is a main character, not the man who tries to attract the single women in the train. However, she mentions none of the words, which means her feelings are expressed visually. In particular, at the beginning of the film, she bears watching a couple on the escalator. This shows us that she seeks for love. The technique is highly respected. The ending of this film is beyond expectation and makes audience feel to follow the story more.
Michael DeZubiria I'll Wait for the Next One sets itself up as a cute little comedy skit, and it delivers on that premise but also surprises you with an incredibly moving finale. Four minute comedies are not supposed to be as moving as this film is, it's funny, charming, and heartbreaking all at the same time, showing you your emotions in a combination that they are not generally found. I can't recommend this movie enough. By the end of the diminutive film you feel like you have known the characters for years, especially the lead man and the woman looking for love, probably because they so perfectly represent.The look on the man's face and the woman's face at the end of the film are brief moments of sheer performing brilliance rarely seen, especially in a short film, which itself is rarely seen. Seek this one out, you will laugh and you will cry, and most of all you will be moved.