Ice Road Terror

Ice Road Terror
3.4| 1h30m| en| More Info
Released: 11 July 2011 Released
Producted By: Hybrid
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A giant flesh-eating reptile takes the Arctic region by storm.

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Diane Ruth High octane horror film that takes place on the hellish frozen landscape the ice road truckers travel. Loaded with mining explosives, the drivers are challenged by much more than the ice beneath them when a prehistoric creature rises from the frozen waters to threaten their very existence. As they fight for their own lives and those of their comrades, they must find a way to survive both the brutal cold and the monster that stalks them. Director Terry Ingram does exceptional work with an intelligent screenplay by Keith Shaw in depicting not only the incredible heroism of these adventurers but their humanity and zest for life. A superb cast gives incredibly effective performances and as the story progresses, we grow to care for these flawed but magnificent individuals. The on location shooting is beautifully done and the intense suspense and excitement builds to a fever pitch of intensity. A rewarding motion picture indeed.
GL84 Awakening from beneath the ice at a diamond mine in the Arctic, a vicious prehistoric creature runs rampant through the area that leaves a pair of truckers and a geologist as the only ones to stop it before it destroys all around it.On the whole this one was quite a decent creature feature. One of the better features here is the usual amount of action scenes throughout here which has a great effect on this one in giving it a rather enjoyable pace. The fact that this one gets a lot of these scenes together is what works so well as the action starts in rather quickly with the mining excavation uncovering the creature and its' subsequent rampage across the work-station being an incredible opening as the creature charging through camp, slashing through bodies and wrecking the equipment creates a lot of great times to get this one going. The other big action scenes here are just as fun with the big one being the chase against the tankers out on the ice-road which is quite thrilling trying to use their truckers' tactics to get away with while the main factor of the film's action here is the big attack on the house. There's a lot of fun to be had from these attacks as it breaks through the barricades to get at them which is what generates the suspense and forcing them to find new ways to defend against it. This action also allows it the opportunity for a bit more gore than expected, as the opening massacre is basically ripping bodies apart while those at the house are a lot more varied which helps this one out with it's positives. There's not a whole lot here that hold it back, though they are pretty big. The biggest one here is the fact that there's very little about it's creature that works here, as there's the ever-present atrocious CGI that's present here for the creature that looks really bad throughout here. The digital pixilation for it during the attacks are quite obvious, and the fact that it repeats actions from elsewhere in the film that don't really match-up to their surroundings as well as changes dimensions constantly which throws it off even more. Likewise, the fact that it's origins are so confusing about what it really is and where it came from is all given away in one single throwaway line from a panic- stricken individual who never gets to finish it to provide the final clues. Beyond this, the only other feature here to drag this down was the unnecessary romance building at the very end when the point had already been made that they're attracted to each other which stops the film cold at that point. Otherwise, this one was quite enjoyable.Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Language.
aainsley27 I've come across some ridiculous movies but a film produced in 2011 in HD of this level should not be allowed. Special effects that are actually worse than the film "The blob" 1958. I thought it was going to turn into a comedy, waiting for the lizard to start break dancing to Micheal Jackson's black or white!!! On a serious note though its not a bad film if the budget was $10000 Nice trucks and some very nice Case machinery. You have to see it. Ice Road truckers meets Jurassic park Very laughable. If your a fan of man eating iguanas its certainly one for you. Acting is very borderline but with the material given I'm sure any mainstream actor would not have been affordable
Paul Andrews Ice Road Terror is set in Alaska & starts at a diamond mining site where the workers have set explosives deep in the permafrost, the resulting explosion exposes a deep pit & from which emerges a giant prehistoric Lizard creature that then rampages through the site killing & eating everyone. Meanwhile truckers Neil Conry (Dylan Neal) & Jack Simmons (Ty Olsson) are making the several hundred mile trip to the mining site in order to deliver a cargo of explosives as well as giving environmentalist Rachel Harris (Brea Grant) a free lift, once they arrive at the site Neil & Jack discover the carnage with severed limbs & blood strewn everywhere. Before long the Lizard dinosaur thing show's up & wants to eat them, they get back in their trucks & drive away but the creature follows them. Will Neil & Jack make it back to safety?Directed by Terry Ingram this is yet more Creature Feature crap from the SyFy Channel, they just seem to have an endless conveyor belt of this rubbish that poops one out couple of weeks. Well lets start off by saying that since this a SyFy Channel creature feature it's almost certain to be a pile of crap so the only question that needs asking or answering about Ice Road Terror is just how big a pile of crap is it? All I can say is that a herd of Elephants couldn't produce a bigger pile of crap than this, no if's but's or maybe's. As many of you will have noticed the title Ice Road Terror is strikingly similar to the popular US reality television series Ice Road Truckers which I admit I haven't seen but it's obvious Ice Road Terror was ripping-off the title Ice Road Truckers & that's just about the most imaginative aspect of this sorry little film that is as generic & dull as they come. OK, lets examine the script a little closer. Some sort of giant man eating monster/dinosaur/animal is brought to life by stupid people, check. We have a hero & a scientist girl who are put into danger when they come up against said creature, check. The situation our heroes find themselves in get worse as they are stranded miles from anywhere with no way to contact the outside world for help, check. Various bit part character's are killed along the way, check. Eventually the creature is defeated by out surviving boy & girl team, check. Predictable, boring, dumb, pointless, badly made, repetitive & a waste of 90 odd minutes I really didn't think that much of Ice Road Terror. Basically it sucks, a lot.Ice Road Terror is very badly made as well, the CGI computer dinosaur effects are poor but the editing is terrible with scenes really not making any sense. The scene when Rachel has to jump between trucks is laughable, also when Jack jumps from his who ends up driving his? When he falls on the ground how does he suddenly appear on the roof? How does the dinosaur suddenly appear on the roof of the truck earlier anyway? Why does it not smash into the cabin at the end? Why, when the explosives catch fire in the back of the truck, is there a little trail of flames from the back of the trailer? The fire is at the other end of the truck for God's sake! Also, those explosives would have went up in seconds & blew them all to kingdom come. The CGI computer scenes of the truck skidding & sliding over the hole in the ice made by the dinosaur is awful, there's no logic to anything that happens & why does the dinosaur see everything in orange? One moment it's on the ground & the next there's a high angle POV from the dinosaur that makes it seem like it's flying! The whole film is poorly made, poorly thought out & not to put too finer a point on it but is total crap. There's a bit of gore, there's some blood splatter, a decapitated head, a guy ripped in half & various severed limbs scattered around.The IMDb says Ice Road Terror had a budget of about $2,000,000 which I find impossible to believe, would it have turned out this bad if had a budget like that? If it did a budget of a couple of million it certainly wasn't spent on locations, special effects or good actor's. The acting is pretty bad, apparently filmed at Britannia Beach in British Columbia in Canada.Ice Road Terror is even worse than what the SyFy Channel usually show under the mistaken opinion that they are films, boy this is bad with awful editing, awful CGI & a terrible script. Not even worth bothering with if it's on telly for free.