Ice Queen

2005 "Gruesomely deformed... viciously powerful... terrifyingly evil!"
3.1| 1h32m| R| en| More Info
Released: 07 June 2005 Released
Producted By: Artist View Entertainment
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A unique female specimen from the Pleistocene Age, a.k.a. the Ice Age, is kept in cryogenic stasis while being transported back to civilization in a military convoy. When the convoy is raided by mercenaries who move the specimen onto a plane, the "Ice Queen" awakens in an uncontrollably aggressive state and kills the pilot, causing the plane to crash into a resort. Having survived the crash, the Ice Queen embarks on a rampage throughout the resort, forcing the survivors into a desperate battle for survival.

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Leofwine_draca ICE QUEEN is one of the worst films I've seen in a few weeks. The story involves a bunch of characters holed up in a ski resort prone to avalanches (provided thanks to stock footage from an earlier disaster flick) who find a monster in their midst when a government plane crashes into the mountain, carrying a cryogenically frozen creature with a penchant for human blood.What follows is one of the silliest, cheesiest and dumbest movies you've seen in a while. There are silicon-enhanced actresses delivering terrible performances all over the shop, and the guys are hardly any better. The look of the ice queen is poor, and the kill scenes are cheesy rather than effective. In short, there's really no reason to watch this movie, because everything about it is sub par and at an amateur level. The only way it scrapes a two star rating is because it's faster paced than some of the other trash I've watched.
kenny_wolfs The reason I rented this video was because the cover seemed scary enough to me, a hideous woman, who somehow reminded me of Lordi's keyboard player, awakes from the ice and goes on a rampage. The movie started out nice though, since me and my friend have a little gag going around that there are three things that a good movie needs: a helicopter, breast and a midget (preferably one that gets kicked away, or kicks himself in the head). The first scene of the movie contained a helicopter, the second one contained Jennifer Hill in a wet t-shirt, and the fourth scene contained Jennifer putting it all out. Heck, I was honestly thinking this could be a good movie, and was the edge of my seat awaiting the midget.After this, things went bad quickly. The Ice Queen looked pretty ugly, I'll give you that, but the horrible nonsense that she is put me off from the beginning. We are being told that she is a Homo Erectus, which still seems plausible. Now, it could be because I'm a High School teacher of History, and I might be more critical about historical incorrectness than others, but I do believe more people will hear their skin crawling when they claim the Homo Erectus (which only lived in Africa by the way) has a body temperature of -30°. I don't know if that's Celsius or Fahrenheit, but anyhow, it would mean that our ancestors had ice for blood. One could overlook that silly comment of the professor, but then he tells me that the Homo Erectus had the unseen power of being able to slash open its opponent, and freeze them from the inside out. When I heard this, I nearly fell from my chair, the idiocy and unrealism really are going over the top in this movie. Why does the Ice Queen need this type of power? She could just slash her opponents with her huge claws, and still be scary. Seeing how I'm a history teacher, I've had my fair share of 13 year old boys laughing about the name Homo Erectus like Beavis and Butthead, but those little pervs at least had a better idea of what the Homo Erectus was than the makers of this movie.If this was all the silliness in the movie, one wouldn't mind so much, but the madness goes on. Not only did our ancestors have freezing powers, for some reason they have heat vision, which can be compared to the way "The Predator" looks at this world. At a certain point in the movie, she sees main character Johnny (Harmon Walsh) standing, and somehow his body turned colder than the walls, which seem to be on fire right now. This makes our Ice Queen fall in love with him, and I can tell you that this is the point of the movie, where you just stop trying to see it as a horror movie, and just accept the rest of the movie will be a comedy. Seeing the vicious Ice Queen biting on her 5 inch nail/claw as if she were a porn diva acting out a naughty 16 year old school girl just has to make you break out in laughter.Now, on to the character of the Ice Queen, the only character that is not flat out cheesy, dumb or annoying. Some say they dislike the scream she makes, I liked that aspect of her. You could see she still was a beast and somehow it gave me the feeling she was afraid. That's one of the only good things done in this movie, somehow, you feel bad for the Ice Queen. She's not pure evil, she's just a creature put into an unfamiliar environment that is panic stricken, kinda the same thing as Cloverfield probably was.********************* SPOILER - END OF THE MOVIE *********************Now, I have to tell you about the end of the movie too. I was only finishing the movie since I wanted to see if the end was as ridiculous as the rest, and boy it was. Never have I seen such a stupid ending in a horror movie, and remember, Freddy Kreuger was killed initially because somebody didn't believe in him, while he was standing right in front of her. Now, the Ice Queen seems almost "get lucky with Johnny", but then he pulls her into the hot tub and she melts, and turns into a cheap plastic eyeball. Really, in this day and age, you should be able to make something better than that final prosthetic. When Jennifer Hill's rack isn't the most obvious fake prosthetic in your movie, something is plain wrong.All in all, this movie is one of the most horrible horror movies ever made, but I gave it three stars, because the last 20-30 minutes were just so plain ridiculous that they made me laugh, and that means the movie entertained me, although not intentional.
dmurph41 I honestly don't know where to start when summing up this film. Each actor is had the ability to make me instantly hate them both as an actor and a person. They had as much acting talent as a blind man calling balls and strikes. You could've walked down to the nearest grocery store, picked out five people, and told them to act in this film, It would have had the same effect. The special effects looked like they were done by children who had no hands. There are too many goofs to count and the best actor in the film was the dog, and even he screwed up his lines. The moans of the ice queen were equivalent to having actual ice shoved in your ears over and over. This movie was as convincing as trying to tell someone that the blonde's breasts were real. Never see this movie, period.
ghoulieguru So, the set up for this thing is that some scientist has found a cave woman from prehistoric times frozen in the ice. She's the Ice Queen of the title. While en route back to civilization, the Ice Queen comes to life and rips through the pilot's throat, causing the plane they were traveling in to crash into the side of a mountain. The crash causes an avalanche, which deposits the plane, along with several tons of snow, into the main lodge of a ski resort.It's late in the season, so there aren't a lot of people in the ski resort, but the few people that there are get stuck in the main lodge with a newly revived blue monster lady. The Ice Queen gets free and starts prowling around, killing ski bums and bimbos until she comes across this one ski patrol guy that she thinks is cute or something. He does his best to stop her rampage until they can put her back into cold storage.This is like a low budget version of THE THING made by people that have seen too many Godzilla movies and teen sex comedies. The worst scenes of the movie are when the granulated sugar avalanche consumes all these little train villages, and the wet t-shirt contest that takes up the first twenty minutes of the movie. If you're looking for a movie that combines gratuitous nudity with really cheap production values, look no further. Ice Queen is for you.