Ibu Maafkan Aku

Ibu Maafkan Aku
5.5| 2h0m| en| More Info
Released: 10 November 2016 Released
Producted By: Onasis Media Intertaimen
Country: Indonesia
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Hartini is raising three children alone after her husband died. Working as a stone breaker is her final choice to survive and to send their three children to school: Banyu (high school), Gendis (high school), and Satrio (elementary school). Banyu grows into a "pilot" in the family. His manner is often conflicting with his sister (Gendis). Especially when Gendis know a someone whom she loves. That is Panji. Banyu has to go to Jakarta to reach his dreams. Hartini feels wobbly the second time as when left by her husband. Moreover Gendis decides to continue studying in Jogjakarta. Satrio is the only solace for Hartini. Banyu becomes a pilot and Gendis a doctor like the Hartini’s dream. But, there is a secret that has kept by Hartini.

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Onasis Media Intertaimen

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