This is a fun movies for any fans of the original films....there, enough said...........but I had to write here when i read some of the other reviews calling foul for not including in the film the alternative ending that they filmed, I mean seriously!!!!All it shows is how little these reviewers know about films, especially Lucas Film, who were never, never ever, ever, er ever going to allow a commercially produced film to include an alternative star wars ending.Enough said. Good film.......and that alternative footage will one day be worth a great deal of money....once Lucas Film decides to release a special edition version 1001.
Not a documentary about David Prowse and his life. The douche-bag Marcos Cabotá is appearing more in this boring documentary than Prowse. About 70% of this incoherent mess consists of interviews with Marcos Cabotá and annoying fans dressed up as Star Wars characters at conventions.David Prowse who was in the costume of Darth Vader in the original trilogy, was replaced by another actor in the scene without the mask. The douche-bag director thinks this (and Prowse wrongfully accused of leaking that scene to the press), was a great injustice. He wants to re-shoot the scene with Prowse. Something I don't give a rats ass about it. And I suspect neither would even the most hard core fans. I fast-forwarded through most of this to avoid the countless interviews with Marcos Cabotá and his awful English pronunciation.It really pisses me off when directors of documentaries let themselves star in their own crap.This is the worst and most boring documentary I have ever seen. Avoid it!!
I was previously aware of David's slips to the press and felt very little compassion for his having been ostracized from anything Star Wars since his portrayal. Having now watched this and realized the error that I had been exposed to, I can say I am very sorry for my error, and that I thoroughly enjoyed having my understanding corrected.Getting to know Prowse through interviews and snippets of his work was an experience I won't soon forget; nor the fact that I found the arguments that David wasn't responsible for the leaks as originally thought, and that David should have had the opportunity to be Darth Vader at the unmasking, both compelling and convincing. I saw Jedi at 13 and even then was never fully satisfied by Sebastian Shaw. He looked larger than Vader should have looked to my young eyes. It wasn't the face that I expected to appear under that helmet. This was solidified by the view of the bust in the movie of a younger David Prowse in the Darth Vader costume with the removed helmet. That person more closely matched my expectations and I'm sorry I haven't yet been able to fully enjoy that scene. As with others, I had hope that we might be allowed to view the re-shot scene where an older Prowse was unmasked as Darth Vader, but understand completely why I cannot at this time. For now, I am just happy that it is out there, that it exists, and that one day I will very likely get to see it, the world being as it is. I can wait, and I will love that moment when it comes.
Another reviewer incorrectly attributes the dubbed voice of Vader to that fine actor, Edward James Olmos. It was, in fact James Earl Jones who voiced the part. This documentary, although well intentioned was clearly hamstrung by being unable to use any clips from the first two Star Wars movies. It seems obvious that when Lucasfilm realized they were being painted as the villain they refused to grant permission. As a result, shadowy images of the main characters appear, hardly a replacement for the real thing. Prowse parlayed his body building skills into "big men" parts, mostly in low budget British horror movies and the part of Vader was a major one but hid his features behind a mask for the entire screenplay. In effect, fame without recognition. The young director felt that Prowse was robbed of a chance to BE Vader and be recognized, so he gathered a team to recreate the "death scene" where Vader, unmasked and dying utters those oft quoted words "Luke, I am your father". Once again, almost certainly due to copyright restrictions we are denied the chance to actually see the finished product, which rather defeats the whole object of the exercise.