I Am That Change

I Am That Change
8.6| 0h3m| en| More Info
Released: 14 August 2014 Released
Producted By: Geetha Arts
Country: India
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Speaks of each person being the change when they decide to not succumb to a society filled with corruption and anti-socialism.

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Allu Arjun


Producted By

Geetha Arts

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shompamone Wow! I really love the short film. It's really impressive and inspirational.
Horst in Translation ([email protected]) "I Am That Change" is a 3-minute short film from India, so make sure you get a good set of subtitles unless you are fluent in Telugu. Writer and director is the fairly prolific filmmaker Sukumar. This is basically really brief stories fit into four minutes where the focus is on people's morals. Don't cheat at school. Give the guy talking on the phone in his car a ticket and don't accept any bribe. Get checked out by security like everybody else, even if you are a celebrity. Don't throw your garbage on the ground, at least not when the cleaning lady is 1 meter next to you. Basically, the film sets a positive statement and wants you to be an authentic human being who acts in accordance with laws (as in "the Law"), but even moreso you need to treat others with respect and do not act as if you are better than anybody else. It's a solid little film, convincing for its runtime and I also liked the choice to go for black-and-white. Sure you should not expect greatness or major depth, but it's an uplifting little piece and I recommend checking it out.
Prashast Singh Allu Arjun has been seen in so many films but for the very first time in a short film.I did not know anything about this film and saw it only on the day it released.it inspired me so heavily that the respect for Allu Arjun increased in my eyes.This film is very short,of duration 2 minutes and 48 seconds,but the message it has given will never be forgetted in upcoming years of our life. This film proves how good the people and the stars of India are,thanks to Allu Arjun for making such a wonderful movie.This short film is really very entertaining and also gives awareness of our social responsibilities. Go,watch it and be the change.