Howard the Duck

1986 "More adventure than humanly possible."
4.8| 1h50m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 01 August 1986 Released
Producted By: Lucasfilm Ltd.
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A scientific experiment unknowingly brings extraterrestrial life forms to the Earth through a laser beam. First is the cigar smoking drake Howard from the duck's planet. A few kids try to keep him from the greedy scientists and help him back to his planet. But then a much less friendly being arrives through the beam...

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alliance109 This movie evokes great memories for me. It's light hearted and different. If anybody hates this movie it's because they themselves have issues and should get some help. It's fun from beginning to end and yes it's cheesy but what's wrong with that?! My daughter and I have a blast every time its on. If you don't like this type of movie why would you watch it in the first place and destroy it for everyone else? STOP HATING!!
Hitchcoc We took my nephew to see this back in the day. He is a person with virtually no taste. I believe he was thirteen at the time. Afterward, it was hard to get him to open up about it. He was trying to be positive but was having a hard time coming up with much to say. He said that the duck costume was kind of stupid. Yes, you could see the human eyes through the eye sockets. It was no different than a Halloween costume. I won't bother to malign this movie. Others have done an adequate job. All I could think of was all the films that never get made and the talent that is out there, and this is what they come up with. Someone may say, "But it's only a kids' movie." Yes it is. But it is an insult to any kid who thinks for a minute. It's lack of success means that the word of mouth that went out was pretty bad--kids didn't beg their parents to take them. A 1980's low point.
keith-774 My wife, bless her heart, has occasionally heard me comment about Howard the Duck. So when the DVD came available in a $5 bin she picked up a copy. Hoping that the film's apparent cult status meant there was some redeeming value I had missed as a teenager, we started to watch it.We lasted 30 minutes. What a pile of tripe. I kid you not, we actually found greater entertainment reading the reviews from Rotten Tomatoes than we did watching the film --- by a considerable degree.The script is slow and boring, the acting is bad, after 30 minutes there still wasn't a plot (I suppose one would have materialized after the bad guy appeared, but he hadn't in 30 minutes...), the sets were bad, the editing was bad. Honestly, it's like Ed Wood had risen from the grave to make one last clunker of a movie.Finally, I'd like to echo the words of the eternal Gene Siskel... "Who was this stupid film made for?" It's too brain-dead stupid for adults, it's too coarse for children (even by today's standards). My wife and I literally couldn't figure out the intended audience. It's all over the map. Ten-year-old cuddly one moment, condom-vulgar the next. Sheesh! So, save your money and watch anything else. Even Youtube videos of kittens are a more valuable use of your time than Howard the Duck.
oh_oh_oh_yeach I saw this film when I was 13/ I wish they brought some characters from the comics. I wish they brought in doctor bong who had a crush on Beverly in high school. Wanda the girl with the lisp. the kidney lady who taunts Howard for smoking on the buss. this film is lacking many areas on the plus side it has a small role for pre21 jump street Holly Robinson. Lea Thompson played a good Beverly the duck costume needed to look like the duck in the comic. .The producers of the film should of consulted Steve Gerber Howard creator. I have issue numbers 2.6. 31 of the original comic a preview of the newer Howard the duck. I love Howard the duck people I know who are in to comics don't understand why I love Howard the duck this movie will never change their minds just reinforce what they think the duck is. maybe in the future Howard will appear in guardians of the galaxy and he pick up the duck comics and see them as I did years ago when I read them.