How to Rob a Bank

2007 "...and 10 easy tips to get away with it."
5.9| 1h21m| en| More Info
Released: 25 January 2007 Released
Producted By: Williamsburg Media Cult
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Caught in the middle of a bank robbery, a slacker and a bank employee become the ones who arbitrate the intense situation.

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danielsimms123 One of the worst films I have ever watched.This film gets steadily worse all the way to the worst ending ever. I think the ending was trying to be deep and meaningful but actually just made no sense, even after rewinding and watching the last scene again.The film also randomly cuts back to the title sequence for no reasons what so ever and keeps repeating the same dialogue about paying the ATM to get money out over and over and over again.In general the story feels very dragged out, the whole thing could be covered in about 5 minuets. The characters make little sense and the camera darting around near the end for 15 minutes is just ridiculous
Avihoo Ilan While the title of this movie is "How to Rob a Bank", it had only scenic reference to bank robbing. This movie really is an allegory about social dynamics; how to be a master of your own destiny (rob a bank) instead of being moderated into a meaningless controlled life by society (pretty much having very little money after paying for charges, etc...). "How to Rob a Bank" is a good movie that can be easily misunderstood if taken as either an action movie, a thriller or a straight on comedy. It has a genre of its own and a powerful message. The acting is the strongest aspect of the movie and rightly so, in order to deliver that message. The movie could have been better if it had more time to emphasize and elaborate, but then the rather short runtime of the movie (81 minutes) were quite effective. If you do watch that movie, pay attention to social dynamics instead of technical bank robbing details.
projektohr It might only tell you that I disliked the movie or maybe even didn't understand the plot when I state now that I am convinced that the screenplay writer must be a longtime cocaine addict. You might think that I am bad with people when I say that the persons in this movie must be from a different planet, that what they uttered clearly did not come from motivation but from awfully bad writing that was supposed to come over as cool.At some point, the movie just starts to hurt the consciousness. If it doesn't hurt yours, then you either didn't see it or that you don't have consciousness.I think I am caught in a hellish reality tunnel with a pretentious movie and people who think that the movie's displayed wannabe-coolness is to be studied and imitated in real life because it makes you feel "good" about yourself. Those are the people that get shot dead in "Dogma" by Loki while he shouts "Fakes! All of you, fakes!".Did you read the comment "A Fun Romp!"? It describes the opposite of what I think about this movie. It is unbelievable how people can not see that this movie is a load of mind vomit.
review-7 It's difficult to make a film where nothing happens exciting to the viewer, but the filmmakers have done that here. Because nothing happens. And it works anyway. The cinematography is original and well done. The way the DP has the camera move gives you a real feel for the location and the claustrophobia the characters must feel. One shot in particular stands out. The camera moves from the vault back through the bank, out a bullet hole, and ends with the cops. The dialogue is sharp and often funny. You might not be repeating any lines to your friends but the dialogue feels real. Okay, there was a little exposition, but not a lot. The exchange that ends with "I have his number if you want it" cracked me up.The situations with cell phone use feel authentic in how they play out. The characters' frustrations and lack of cleverness is a refreshing change from most films. The editing is fairly tight. Scenes don't drag.