Hey everyone. Its me! The guy who wrote comments on this movie over 5 years ago as the "Brain-8,
[email protected]" back in September 1999. Well, guess what....I STILL NEED THIS MOVIE! Yes, sad but true, no luck in getting my hands on ANYTHING (except movie stills) relating to this movie. This movie is harder to find than Osama Bin Ladin, for cryin' out loud. Yes, I feel the grim reaper tappin' on my shoulders and all I want is a stinking copy of this flick. No, I don't want to win the lottery or fall in love with a Victoria Secrets super-model...just one flippin' copy of this movie! How hard can that be, right? Pretty hard, i one has it. But please let me know if you can help (post a message).I leave you with a quote from the film (as best i can recall):* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Jack Washington: "All I wanted to do was win".Ned Pine:"You wanted me to jump over the net and shake your hand? Well, you can forget it! Look at're on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Are we really having this conversation? Do you really think for one minute you have the upper hand? you?!<Ned Pine pulls a small knife hidden in his racket ball handle, and holds to Jack Washingtons throat>* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Oh, man. What a great movie. Forever lost? You tell me.PS: I NEED THIS MOVIE!! (smiles)