
4.1| 1h50m| en| More Info
Released: 26 May 2000 Released
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In 1960s London, sisters Gerry, Mandy and Jo don male disguises and rob jewelry stores. Gerry also takes a job at a hip magazine in order to scope out a potential target. Sparks fly, however, between Gerry and American journalist Daniel Wheaton, and their budding romance threatens to expose the sisters' latest operation.

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wristwatchraver-1 I admit I have seen this film and I hang my head in shame! I first heard about this film while in college and the damning from critics it was getting. As the eternal optimist I thought it couldn't be as bad as all that so I rented it from amazon. It wasn't as bad as all that...it was worse! The last pop star to make any decent movies was Elvis Presley, Madonna doesn't count as what she does isn't acting; I dunno what it is but it is definitely not acting. The All Saints girls are brilliant musicians but rubbish actors. It's billed as a comedy but it isn't even funny! Had it had a better script (I could do better) and possibly a better story All Saints might made it big in the movie industry as well as the music one. This movie is worse than Showgirls (thats something coming from me!) Don't rent/buy it!
TANESY I would rather rip my own guts out with blunt knife than buy any All Saints album. So it's quite clear I didn't watch this movie because I'm an All Saints fan. Nor do I find any of them particularly attractive, so that's no selling point there either - mind you the two Appleton sisters do both get their top off if that's why you're interested in this movie. I wasn't expecting much from this film, but I must admit I was happily surprised. This is a rather good movie. No it's no masterpiece, but it has an entertaining story, is well paced and even laced with some really good acting performances. Definitely worth watching.
toaster-8 This film is one of the worst I've seen for a long, long time. There's so much wrong with it I don't even know where to start. Okay, the acting: the 3 all saints girls, can't act, nor can they fake cockney accents. the direction: Pretensious, trying to be arty, failing.the script: one word, terrible! The plot: there was a plot???? The point: unless the all saints are hoping never to be taken seriously again, I really can't see any point to this film.I didn't like it very much.
Chris_Docker Foreign critics have received this movie much better than British ones. Possibly because, although Dave Stewart has done a reasonable recreation of sixties swinging Hippiedom in London, it really isn't that interesting to home-grown audiences any more. The addition of three-quarters of a well-known girl band (All Saints) gives it even less charm (although one of the ladies concerned turns in quite a reasonable performance, as well as letting the camera linger longingly on her bosom. Nice to see ex-pop star Dave Stewart make a go of directing now his music career isn't what it used to be - he's done a reasonable job but he will hardly be hailed as a great director for this effort.