The first bit of the movie that took place in France was good and i looked forward to watching the rest of the movie, but once the story was shifted to America, it started to lose its quality and became very confusing. First, i could barely understand the muddled English-French that was spoken by most of the main characters. The plot itself changed so much that i could not keep up and with it and with a mix of that and the muddled language, i found it hard to understand what was happening. Second, there were so many characters and other important scenes and objects such as the tape of the actress in the movie and the pack of bouncers that the main character first encountered when she first came to America. And third, i found that all of the problems that came up for the main characters in the movie were easily solved and that is the reason that there were so many twists in the plot. Overall, the story was not very good and neither was the acting.
The movie got confusing in some parts, making hard to keep up with it. However, it didn't take too long for it to get to the point which can ruin some films. But it does have some cringe moments. Despite the cringe, it did make the film quite funny and entertaining. As in the title, it was decent as there were some good moments, but there are quite a few areas where it could be improved on.
I have personally never watched a french movie meaning it didn't have any movie to compete with but i was amused but kind of disappointed. I watched this movie in french class and it was a good choice as we aren't fluent in french so the subtitles and English scenes were helpful.The plot was clear and a some scenes were funny mainly because it was cringe-worthy but generally had some good scenes. The characters were weird some in a good way and some in a bad way. All in all i still would recommend this movie as it is still entertaining and appropriate for people who know french, studying french or someone interested in the language.
The Squeerelist
Read it here: http://squeerelist.blogspot.com/2013/06/hollywoo-2011.htmlJennifer Marshall is Hollywood's It Girl starring in the over-publicized TV show L.A. Couples. Jeanne is her French dubbing artist whose career depends on Marshall's fame. When Jennifer decides to retire after her co-star and boyfriend cheats on her, Jeanne feels like her own career is over. She flies to LA to meet Jennifer and try to make her reconsider... It's a funny and fresh movie displaying the views of the French on Hollywood and its excessive way of life. The main actors are very popular French comedians (Florence Foresti & Jamel Debbouze) and I think you'll find this movie funny if you already know Foresti's work. It may not be a good movie for someone who is not into contemporary French culture. The cast is very eclectic and you'll find American, French, Canadian actors and more. Hollywoo may not end up in my Top 10 Comedies but I spent an enjoyable moment watching it. You should definitely give it a try and share your opinion with me!1 reason to watch: if you have any interest in French comedians