Holly Hobbie and Friends: Christmas Wishes

Holly Hobbie and Friends: Christmas Wishes
7.7| 0h44m| en| More Info
Released: 24 October 2006 Released
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Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Holly Hobbie is excited about spending Christmas-time with her friends and family. She soon learns of the situation of a widow, Mrs. Deegan and her twin boys, Joey and Paul. She works together with her friends Amy Morris and Carrie Baker. They also take part in a Christmas pageant and Christmas caroling. Meanwhile, Holly's brother Robby dresses up as Santa Claus to earn extra money, but discovers the spirit of giving.

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robodrolet This is a decent Christmas cartoon. It really does follow the mold of the typical "this cartoon is for girls" story lines and characters of older cartoons but if you can get past that this is a fine special for kids for Christmas.