Hob Fauq Al-Burkan

Hob Fauq Al-Burkan
5.5| 1h48m| en| More Info
Released: 09 November 1978 Released
Producted By: Egypt Arab Films (Wassef Fayez)
Country: Egypt
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Ahmed and Nawal's half-brother (Hussein) steals Ahmed's money to spend on the dancer (Dusa). Nawal pawns jewelry with (Umm Jaber), the moneylender, in order to give (Hussein) the money. Ahmed goes to retrieve Nawal's jewelry, and at the same time, Hussein kills Umm Jaber. Ahmed runs away from the house in panic. Nima sees him leaving and thinks he is the killer. As she goes down to catch him, she falls and loses her sight. Ahmed feels guilty, so he marries her.

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Egypt Arab Films (Wassef Fayez)

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