HipHop Express

HipHop Express
1.7| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 18 August 2011 Released
Producted By: Enigma Film
Country: Germany
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Enigma Film

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Horst in Translation ([email protected]) "Homies" is a German 90-minute movie from 2010 written and directed by Adnan Köse and this is a definite contender for worst career movie for everybody attached to this project, in front of as well as behind the camera. It is also another failed attempt at trying to convince us that Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht is a talented actor. The most desperate so far probably as now we not only know he doesn't have 1% of his father's range, but also that he cannot sing at all either. Fittingly, in here basically all the other actors are on the same weak level like WGO. But the music component is crucial in here because that the film is really all about at its central core. And if we then get one terrible performance after the next, interrupted by cringeworthy acting, then it is the biggest negative deal-breaker you could imagine. The IMDb rating is not wrong here. It is a horrible movie and there is a reason why Uwe Ochsenknecht is not in here to assist his son as he did in some other Jimi Blue films. The latter basically has one face expression from start to finish. What people incorrectly say about Kristen Stewart is actually true 100% about the younger Ochsenknecht. Of course, this is not jut a problem in these 1.5 hours here.And seeing Günther Kaufmann here kinda makes me sad. No actor with his body of work should play in such a film we have here. His character was crap too. He plays some kind of rap idol, almost a mentor, to the protagonist and when we hear him say at the very end that said protagonist will have a great career and how he is so talented it all feels like a bad joke because the only thing JBO does worse than singing is rapping. This film is a definite contender for most horrible film of 2012. Even if you like hip hop movies, actually especially then, you really want to skip this one. Hits truly deep lows in all fields of production, especially the script and the performances. Come in and leave the talent at the door is the rule here.Horrible horrible, makes DSDS look like a revelation and the way how the film really takes itself seriously and wants to make a powerful statement about following your dreams is truly insulting. Two words to describe it? Pretentious pi... posse. Keep your distance.