Hindi Vindi

Hindi Vindi
5.5| 1h45m| en| More Info
Released: 27 February 2025 Released
Producted By: Ana Productions Pty Ltd
Country: Australia
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: https://www.screenaustralia.gov.au/the-screen-guide/t/hindi-vindi-2024/41855/

Kabir, a 17-year-old teenage boy, is conflicted about his cultural identity and struggles with a language barrier when his Indian grandmother comes to live with him in Sydney. The relationship between the two is strained, but they bond over music. When grandma suffers a cardiac arrest, Kabir sets out on a mission to learn Hindi and wants to surprise her with a Hindi rap song at an inter-college festival. This experience transforms Kabir, instilling in him a deep appreciation for language and cultural connection. After 2 years, Kabir is a global icon and a renowned musician who promotes language and culture through music and performs Hindi rap at an International music festival in Mumbai to honour his grandmother.

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Producted By

Ana Productions Pty Ltd

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