Because I started watching this movie in a silly movie channel, I didn't take it serious in the first place. I thought it was an useless festival movie.But as I kept watching it,I realized that I couldn't take my eyes off the movie. First I thought it was a funny children-movie with some basic children-movie rules, but watching that one extremely realistic one scene made me realize that ,that movie was more than a children- movie. Although the plot wasn't the most interesting plot I have ever seen, the way they presented it really got me. I wish I could tell the same thing for the adult actors,(I found the performance of children pretty well) they could have been so much better. But luckily the movie is not about them. It is about friendship, commitment and the value of the thing we have, of the people we have. I believe it is an impressive movie and no one will regret watching it,unless they are against watching realistic drama. I give 8/10 , and recommend this festival movie to everyone.