Hercules is rescued by Prince Maytha (Giuliano Gemma) and his warriors . Athualpa (Franco Fantasia) , King of the Incas, is about to sacrifice Princess Yamara (Anna-Maria Pace) to the Sun God. Hercules must save her and defeat the King . He must use his strength to rescue his friends and attack the city of Tiguanaco and the woman he loves . As Hércules is up to his pecs in trouble as he fights nasty Incas in order to save the abducted daughter of a King Inca , Huascar . As the bare-chested warrior goes on an all-out rampage to save her . As he battles the evil King of the Incas by building unstoppable fighting machines . It deals with the deadly war between Huáscar and his half-brother Atahualpa . The battles reported by Spanish chronicler Juan Betanzos talk of Quizquiz (Atahualpa's commander) leading armies of 60,000 men against armies of 60,000 men supporting Huáscar. Betanzos's account also enlightens us on the bloody nature of Inca wars. Atahualpa's punishment of the Canares saw him rip the hearts from their chiefs and force their followers to eat them .Huascar was defeated in the battle of Chimborazo and the Battle of Quipaipan and he was made prisoner . The war had Atahualpa in the clear ascendancy on Pizarro's arrival. Furthermore , Atahualpa had Huáscar killed so that he was not in a position to offer Pizarro a larger ransom of gold than Atahualpa was offering for his own release .This is a decent spaghetti , myth-opera with action , love , battles and luxurious landscapes . The movie has not mythological accuracy neither expecting historical . Breathtaking scenes when take place spectacular Inca archers dances and overwhelming final battle with surprising and violent scenes . In the picture turns up Peplum ordinaries as the veteran Franco Fantasia who along with his brother Andrea Fantasia worked much as maestros of weapons in this genre , and uncredited Rosalba Neri . Being a Spain/Italy co-production here turns up some Spanish actors as José Riesgo as Huascar , Ricardo Valle , and Ángela Rhu as the Queen . It stars Mark Forest , he is perfect as the mythical hero who encounters many dangerous situations while trying to save a princess of numerous odds . Forest who played the mythic Maciste in great number of movies was randomly assigned the identity of Hercules , Goliath , Samson or Aron for U.S. viewing . Bouncing and strong Forest was the second American actor bodybuilder , after Steve Reeves , to be recruited by Italian producers to star in Peplum films . The muscle-man Forest left allegedly the sword and sandals genre for the Opera . He used the amount of money he made acting as hero and gladiator films in Italy to study Opera , he currently teaches in the Los Angeles zone . He was one along with Ed Fury , Dan Vadis,Brad Harris , Alan Steel , Reg Park , Gordon Scott whom to seek fortune acting absurdly as muscle mythological figures but nobody topped Steve Reeves in popularity . He only starred Peplum such as : 1964 Hércules against sons of sun , 1964 Lion of Tebas , 1964 Maciste Nell'inferno Gengis Khan , 1964 Maciste, Gladiatore Sparta , 1963 Maciste Contro i Mongoli ,1963 Maciste, l'Eroe più Grande del Mondo ,1962 Maciste, Gladiatore più forte Mondo , 1961 Maciste, the Son of Hercules , 1960 La Venganza De Ercole . This film titled "Ercole Contro I Figli del Sole¨ or "Hercules Against the Sons of the Sun" or "Hércules Frente Al Sol" belongs to a group of peplums attempting to change the ordinary formula by changing scenarios as ¨Samson and the treasure of the Incas¨ by Piero Pierotti with Alan Steel and Mario Petri and ¨Legacy of the Incas¨ by George Marischka by Rick Battaglia , Guy Madison , Fernando Rey . Interesting screenplay by María del Carmen Martínez Román , a prolific writer who wrote a lot of Spaghetti , Gialli and Peplum . This spectacular Sword and Sandal movie displays a colorful and glimmer cinematography by Julio Ortas , filmed on location in Spanish/Italian exteriors and Elios Studios, Vides Cinematografica, Rome, Lazio, Italy , among others . Beiong necessary a perfect remastering because of the film copy is washed-out . Atmospheric and evocative musical score by Coroliano Gori . The motion picture was well directed by Osvaldo Civiriani . He was a craftsman who made several genres such as Western : ¨I due Figlio Di Trinitiy¨ , ¨I Figlio Dgango¨, ¨Died for a roller¨ , ¨Trusting is good shooting is better¨ ; Erotic movies as ¨Voodoo sex¨, ¨Sexy Prohibite¨, ¨Lucrecia¨, ¨Mayra Black Venus¨; Eurospy : ¨Case Becket¨ , ¨Operation Poker¨, and about car races as ¨Summer love¨, ¨2 Della Formula1¨ and adventure : ¨Kínder Lion of desert¨ and this one . Rating : 6/10 , acceptable muscle-men fodder and better than most muscles operas-spaghetti,thanks to Mark Forest and by Peplum specialist as is the director Osvaldo Ciriviani .He along with Vittorio Cottafavi ,Giorgio Ferroni and other professional filmmakers continued to realize films in the historical-spectacular style , at which he developed a considerable skill and mastery .
This somewhat imaginative crossbreed sees the typical Italian hero Hercules (here played by American Mark Forest) finding himself mixed up with the Incas! A hard-to-swallow concept perhaps, but one which makes for original viewing, it has to be said. Sadly this is one of the least interesting peplum adventures, with an extremely shallow plot which doesn't even clearly define or characterise the main actors and actresses. Instead it consists of some laborious plot devices mixed in with some enjoyable battle scenes which sadly don't compensate for the rest of the film.While the inclusion of the Incas into the film should make way for some colourful costumes, dodgy sacrificial rites, weird decorative ornaments, and giant stone buildings and the like, while all of this is present, it isn't quite as spectacular as you would imagine. The low-budget automatically seals this film's fate as a minor B-movie, as the cheapness of the production is obvious at every stage of the movie. Most of the action takes place on one or two sets, while a dark room stands in for a prison - there aren't even any bars at the window! Admittedly the major battle scene at the film's conclusion is quite impressive, utilising a large number of the cast, but this only lasts for fifteen minutes and the other seventy just don't hold up.Forest has an impressive physique as the muscular hero, but doesn't get much chance to shine, so comes off as a pretty wooden actor. Although he's good in the action scenes he doesn't get much else to do aside from push a few boulders around and romance a woman. The supporting cast are also unmemorable, aside from the spectacle of Italian actors pretending to be Incas by wearing long black wigs. Indeed this film's main reason for being seems to be to show as many half-naked men running around as possible.The final fifteen minutes brings in a lot of swordplay and non-bloody death by impaling, but this comes far too late in the film to make it any good. I would recommend that if you come across this, don't bother watching until the final twenty minutes where you will see a very impressive fight between two large forces which, in its own way, stands up against the battles in modern blockbusters like BRAVEHEART and GLADIATOR. Overall, though, this is a missed opportunity of what sounds like a great premise, and it's disappointing to think what might have been with a director like Mario Bava or Riccardo Freda behind it.
I watched these movie like 23 years ago ( I'm thirty right now ), on the local TV stations from my country. I remembered that every Saturdays and Sundays at evening time, the Italian movies about Greek mythological heroes, the spaghetti westerns, the second world war movies and others more, were popular among Salvadorians. It was the time from our Civil War period, so the people enjoyed watching these movies to avoid the sad story of our country. On those years I knew those actors like MARK FOREST, STEVE REEVES, KIRK MORRIS and GORDON SCOTT, who played most of the movies of HERCULES and also the movies of HERCULE'S SON, MACYSTE. These particular movie, I enjoyed because the story took place during the INCA CIVIL WAR period ( obviously there is an inaccuracy in history, because in that period of time, the INCAS were conquered by the Spanish troops under FRANCISCO PIZARRO), but instance of being visited by the bloodiest conqueror, the Greek Gods allowed to HERCULES to arrive to Peruvians shores after being the only survivor from a shipwrecked, and he helped to prince MAYTHA ( role performed by GULIANO GEMMA) and his courageous Incas to defeat the tyrannical king Juascar, who have King Atahualpa being imprisoned, to seize the power against MAYTHA. The movie finished with a great battle with the OLD CUZCO city surrounding the fighters. I hope one day that these movies should be in DVD, I will be one of the first customers to buy it.If someone reads the comment, and will like to share his nice experiences abouth these movies, I will be cool to receive your comments in my e-mail.
History takes another setback as Hercules finds himself in the land of the Incas, shipwrecked he meets the true king of the Incas who has been deposed by a tyrant luckily for him they all speak perfect English or dubbed Italian if you prefer,very badly filmed and acted even by Italian standards and the music score just does not fit in with the film,check the sacrifice ritual dance and you will see what I mean, the only redeeming feature is the colourful Inca costumes,very poor all round,curious also to find out that our hero played by the handsome Mark Forest only took these parts to finance his opera singing!, something he still does to this day.