Heaven's Burning

1998 "Vengeance takes no prisoners."
5.7| 1h36m| R| en| More Info
Released: 02 April 1998 Released
Producted By: Australian Film Finance Corporation
Country: Australia
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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In Sydney, the newly married Midori is honeymooning with her husband, Yukio. She does not love him and fakes her own kidnapping to escape the marriage. Her lover is supposed to meet her, but fails to appear. She goes to a bank to get some cash, only to become a hostage in an unfolding robbery, until the getaway driver, Colin, saves her from his fellow robbers. They hit the road together, with the cops, her husband and the robbers in pursuit.

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Katsuhito First of all, I'd like to say that this is a very unique, but also important film that is making a social commentary on the oppression that (specifically, but not exclusively,)many Japanese women suffer at the hands of their domineering and quite often abusive husbands. Because of their ancient cultural structure and social and familial pressures, these women are forced into marriages that are probably not always fulfilling, and this incredible Australian? director has tackled the telling of this poor woman's predicament, which alot of Asian women may be able to relate to, without being able to speak up about it for themselves. At the same time, this director, by bringing Russell Crowe, and a plot that revolves around a bank robbery gone awry, with plenty of action and gore, is probably going to attract viewers who otherwise wouldn't really care about the problems Japanese women face. He is therefore challenging those people to take a look at this human rights issue, and bringing it to light, which is good for everybody. The inter-racial romance is an added entertaining element, but if that's all that viewers see, then they're missing the point. Let's face it,inter-racial relationships between Japanese women and foreign men have been going on since the early days of exploration by Europeans. The director of this film, along with everybody involved must be commended for taking a gamble on a topic that obviously can be touchy, and at the same time misunderstood by the typical, shallow public. To top it off, he also manages to make an homage to the classical composer Richard Wagner, first with the guy in a wheelchair, played by the ex-Men at Work singer (forgot-his-name),who should get an Oscar for his Heroic performance, and then again with the music from Tristan and Isolde at the very end! A really Cool Flic!
sheepdoginoz I watched this film on free to air TV last night after watching Proof of Life(Russell Crowe and Meg Ryan, 2000).I had never heard of the movie before and spent half of it trying to guess when it was made!1997 was the year and Russell appears to really enjoy playing with this dark story with some relish.Whilst I am sure he played the character to the best of his ability at the time,I reckon it was with a sly grin that he read the script and realised that this script would not come around again,so now's the time...No one should take it too serious...It is the sort of movie I would write...lolCheers
emma-64 A rather below par road movie, enlivened by Russell Crowe in the lead, and by various other noteworthy characters, such as his father, and a mad ex-KGB torturer! admittedly, Russell plays a rather predictable role, but my wife claims that his god-like physique more than makes up for this! since this is an Australian film, don't expect any great shakes in the cinematography department.
Illusia Something people need to understand is that this is a genre-specific movie. Having said that, let me tell you what I thought.Being a huge Russell Crowe fan, I own just about everything he's been in. Some I love, some I like, and some just sit on the shelf and collect dust. I'm not one of those people that love him no matter what he does. Some of the things he's been in need help. Maybe it's him, maybe it's not. The rest of the cast can suck in any movie and no matter how great the star is, the movie simply lacks... Heaven's Burning caught my attention right around the time I saw 'The Crossing' on cable. I liked that one, but I didn't get to see the whole thing, so I'm holding my thoughts on that til I see the whole thing. I started poking around to see what else he had been in and I realized that I had seen most of them, and often asked "Who was that guy?" So, I went down to my local major chain video store, and looked for Heaven's Burning. Not available on video or dvd, I had them special order it for me along with L.A. Confidential. When it came in, I had plenty of time to watch it, so I didn't get around to it right away. I had just been in a car accident, and had lots of time on my hands. I couldn't sleep one night, so I figured that I would have a "Crowe fest". I watched Mystery, Alaska , L.A. Confidential and my newest addition. I really liked the movie overall.It wasn't quite like anything I had seen him in before. It really is a great movie. Not one of AFI's top 100 of all time, but great in a fun quality. I don't want to give away too much, so I won't delve into it too deeply. It does start out sort of slow, but once you get into the whole bank robbery plot it gets going. If you like Rusty, or if you like road movies, you will enjoy this one. If you don't, let me know. =)