While not entirely successful in perhaps achieving all its goals, or indeed in letting us know what kind of movie it was really trying to be, Monzon's "Corazon" is certainly unique and intriguing enough to merit a viewing by anybody interested in fantasy and alternate reality premises. Thankfully one thing is for sure: with its goofy-gory fantasy combat (reminiscent perhaps of Raimi's "Army of Darkness" although much more limited in scale) it clearly isn't asking us to take it 100% seriously a la Matrix and other "trip out" alternate reality movies.Ramon (Fernando Ramallo) is a shy high school-aged nerd who plays a lot of role-playing games and has dreams every night of being the warrior Beldar (Joel Joan), accompanied by the sexy Sonja (Neus Asensi). Gradually the fantasy of being Beldar begins to take over Ramon's "real" life, and he becomes involved in an elaborate conspiracy to assassinate the leader of a fascist political party, whom he's become convinced is a cult leader in the alternate world. Yes, the plot of the movie really is that convoluted, and even moreso. There's a wizard who communicates between the 2 worlds (but isn't nearly as funny as the director seems to think) and a weird midget who lives in the sewers (very funny) and is the only one to believe Ramon's story.It's a mixed bag, which seems almost unavoidable. The performances are OK, considering what a bizarre premise they're playing with. There's the usual "was that a dream?" stuff where elements we see in the "real" world cross over into "fantasy." It's interesting that Ramon has a whole new body for his fantasy self, but Sonja is the same even though she's a strong independent woman in the fantasy world but a junkie prostitute in the real world. In terms of the conspiracy plot, I thought the film was suggesting something satirical in that only a lunatic child could see the "true reality" underneath the appearances. All of this doesn't really fit together in a hugely compelling way; watching the movie is more a series of somewhat interesting and surprising events strung together by the logic of the boy's psychosis. The narrative unity is damaged by some scenes that show us the nature of the conspiracy from a totally different perspective than the boy's delusion -- there's too much information about this political party being shown us that's not being shown to the protagonist or connected with him in any way, which breaks down the subjective possibilities of the scenario for no good reason other than informational purposes.I believe that with a tighter script this could have been a truly good movie. But it's worth watching as it is, because I've never really seen or imagined anything else quite like it.
This movie was so bad that about 1/2 an hour in, myself(the only gamer of the group), and the 3 people I was with looked at each other and walked out. This is the only movie I've ever walked out on.If you feel like watching a movie with bad acting, a boring, nonsensical plot, and really bad stereotyping, this is the movie for you.Shockingly enough, this movie isn't even fun to make fun of. It's just painful to watch and makes you wonder where they got the meager budget they did have.Save yourselves. Don't watch this. If given the choice between watching this all the way through or chopping off one of my fingers, I'd watch the movie. But I'd seriously consider both options.
joan sanchez
Yes, another silly film about mind-affected teenager that see coinsurance's and evil wizards ruling the world... But he was right, or really he *is* right. Because the world is ruled by them, the mighty and his warriors. You can close your eyes, but they are still there.In fact, I started to see the film as a fantasy but at the end I thought that it was allegorical. Not so accurate, but you can see lesser relationships linking a fantasy role-playing game and political and social facts on a certain country, where the film was made on, my country.OK, let's say I have so much imagination, too. But can you say that you never suspected about a conspiracy in your own country? never thought that there is some people ruling the rulers? If so, this film is for you. enjoy it.(note: RPG players are not mind-affected. Most of times.)
This is one of the best fantasy films ever made. It wonderfully blends the aspect of heroic adventure and our reality. This film has a deeper meaning. I think that the best reccomedation to it will be Ursula Le Guinn's words "The best fantasy movie I have ever seen"