Heart Condition

1990 "A tough cop. A dead lawyer. Every partnership has its problems."
5.5| 1h40m| R| en| More Info
Released: 02 February 1990 Released
Producted By: New Line Cinema
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Racist police officer Jack Moony has a vendetta against Napoleon Stone, a charismatic black lawyer who is sleeping with Jack's old flame Crystal Gerrity. Jack has a heart attack, but his life is saved when he receives Stone's heart, since Stone died mysteriously the same night as Jack was stricken. Stone is not completely gone, however, and as a ghost he is all too happy to give Jack advice on how he should do his job and live his life.

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SnoopyStyle Jack Moony (Bob Hoskins) is a racist loudmouth white cop. He is still in love with his ex Crystal Gerrity (Chloe Webb) who is now a working girl. Napoleon Stone (Denzel Washington) is a lawyer with questionable clients who gets gunned down. Jack Moony suffers a heart attack, and finds that he's given Napoleon's heart. Now Napoleon's ghost haunts him and together they solve his murder which Crystal is the key to.Writer/director James D. Parriott doesn't have the writing skills for a comedy. Denzel is good as a slick lawyer, but his urban shtick sounds silly. He and Hoskins have great acting skills, but they aren't funny together. I get the sense that Denzel is suppose to be Eddie Murphy. Obviously Denzel is no Eddie Murphy. As an action thriller, there isn't enough action and it's not very thrilling. I would recommend this only for die-hard fans of either Denzel Washington or Bob Hoskins.
ma-cortes The tale concerns about Mooney , a bigoted police officer (Bob Hoskins) from Los Angeles who has problems with his captain(Roger E. Mosley). Mooney pursues a debonair ,elegant though mobster black lawyer(Denzel Washington) named Stone whose slogan is live fully while you may reckon not the cost . When Stone is dating his ex-fiancée (Chloe Webb) is seen by Mooney . Soon afterwards Stone is shot and deceased , meanwhile Mooney suddenly suffers a stroke . When he wakes , the Stone's heart has been transplanted and his ghost is now his constant companion , hoping the cop will help to avenge his killing .The picture is a fantastic action/comedy in which there are suspense , humor, an enjoyable romance, bemusing fantasy and results to be quite entertaining . However , the screenplay is sometimes ridiculous, drags in some places and full of unlikely situations . The protagonist duo is good , as nice acting by Bob Hoskins in a comic role such as in ¨ Roger Rabbit (Robert Zemeckis)¨ , nevertheless he usually plays dramatic characters (¨ Neal Jordan's Monalisa¨) , Denzel Washington is fine but his specialty turns out to be the strong and tough roles . The production film is in charge of ¨New Line Cinema (Robert Shaye)¨ ,nowadays an important producing company with enormous success . The motion picture is regularly directed by James D. Parriott. The flick will appeal to Denzel Washington fans and fantastic comedy lovers. Rating : Acceptable, passable and amusing.
Phil Chapman As "Heart Condition" was made at roughly the same time as "Ghost", it was not a "copy". It ("Heart Condition") isn't a "love story" (as "Ghost" is), which let it's comedic portrayal overshadow "Ghost", in my opinion.GREAT movie!
John Green Obviously, this is not a Neil Simon movie, but the actors do a good job with the script given. It was funny and an interesting twist to the subject matter (after all, making death and a heart attack funny is a big order). No, this is not "Ghost" but then "Ghost" was a drama not comedy. Overall, a good movie and worth seeing!