
2.3| 1h29m| en| More Info
Released: 23 June 2007 Released
Producted By: Intandem Films
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Jason Avery is an ex-cop now working as a museum security guard. Armed thieves break in intent on stealing a priceless obelisk that's stored within this vault-like stone structure. The scientist behind the theft talks of the obelisk giving him the power to control harpies, demonic winged female monsters of classic mythology. Through a series of contrived events, the obelisk opens a time portal that Jason promptly falls into, crash landing over a thousand years in the past in a land threatened by evil harpies.

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kester_pelagius This may or may not contain a spoiler. I never made it to the end of the movie but I'm really disappointed and may let slip something about the threadbare plot (such at is it) that those actually daring enough to watch a Sci-Fi original movie may not want to know about.But then again this was a Sci-Fi original movie and by now we should probably know better. Alas the previews made this seem like it was going to be a fun knock-off of Army of Darkness with the shot-gun wielding hero fighting Harpies instead of Deadites, which sounds like a really fun B-movie premise. Especially since this is supposed to be about a security guard in a museum that gets transported into the past.It's such a simple premise how could anyone go wrong with that, right? Alas what we get is an excruciating piece of drek that shouted "we're using Stargate SG-1 set rejects" almost from scene one and goes downhill from there.Yes, this was a blatant attempt to make a cheap knock-off of Army of Darkness, and it fell, like Stephen Baldwin, flat on it's face in pig effluent. But that it appears sets were either recycled or copied the look of the "Ancient's Writing" for use in the artifact on display in the museum was mind boggling. Could it be this movie originated as a rejected Stargate SGF-1 script? I doubt it. But you never know.What's worse is that Stephen Baldwin and a (unknown to me) woman playing a pig keeper seemed to be the most competent actors seen in the first 40 some odd minutes of this turgid will-o-the-wisp monstrosity. Actually poor Mr. Baldwin, who'll probably get a lot of the blame for this, all but carries most scenes on his over burdened shoulders. Problem is it's obvious this was intended to be a tongue-in-cheek comedy that fizzled, thus the problems seem all the worse.I can forgive a lot in a B-movie be it bad acting, infantile dialogue, anachronisms, overacting (the guy playing the sorcerer actually takes this to a new level, he's actually rather hilarious at times), plot inconsistency, and even sequels that have no relationship to the original movie. However tedious dullness is an unforgivable cinematic sin. By the time the titular CGI monsters made an appearance I was already thinking about getting out the aforementioned Buck Roger's DVD set, which should give you an idea of just how boring this was.The characters were flat and the actors, though they tried, never really made me care about them. Not because they were inept but because it didn't seem like the script gave these characters any depth. It was like they were there purely as character sketches without any thought given to their backgrounds. Now, to be fair, I should mention that I only made it about 40 minutes into the movie. But that seems like 35 minutes too long to wait for character development.But to be perfectly honest I'm not sure which pushed me over the edge, the lack of character development or the the utterly rubbish CGI harpies. Granted the editors of this movie at least realized their CGI was ludicrous looking and they didn't show close-ups of them, at least none that I recall, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. The costuming and make-up effects for the harpies involve a lot of smeared mascara and a white shift. That's it. It was utterly uninspired.I truly feel this was a cinematic abortion that never should have been made. I know, strong words, and yes there's far worse DTV "movies" out there. But, and this is important, none of those bear Stan Lee's name, which was the ONLY reason I tuned in. I really thought that, surely, if Stan Lee was putting his name on the movie it wouldn't be the usual lame CGI crapfest sciffy is known for. But I, apparently, was a fool for daring to hope as sciffy let me down yet again. Even so I am not angry so much as saddened and disappointed.While I'm sure Stan Lee laughed all the way to bank to cash that sciffy check, and really kudos to him for getting some green, I just feel this movie was a let down. Very disappointing.In short Harpies was deadly dull boring and actually had me popping in a DVD of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century to watch something with real acting talent and better SFX. I think that says it all.
imdb-registration-3 I am 44 minutes into the 2 hour movie, so I don't think there will be any spoilers.I'm not sure if this piece of crap is the result of a bad script, bad directing, or overall bad-acting, but is most likely all three. Stephen Baldwin is a terrible actor if this performance is any indication. I have yet to see actor provide anything close to a post-high school performance.I'd say Stan Lee is a member of the Ed Wood Director's Club and has should be embarrassed to have his name attached to this movie as director, much less as part of the title. The special affects are worse than some I have seen in 1950's movies.This movie should be titled "Stan Lee's Failure as a Director" Stephen Baldwin should retire from acting, the rest of actors should lay low for a while before their next audition.
frankfob Cheap, third-rate ripoff of the great "Army of Darkness". Poorly acted by virtually everyone, although Scott Valentine is enjoyably hammy (at times) as the evil Vorian and Kristin Richardson is watchable as a pretty but feisty peasant girl. Shoddy special effects (including some glaringly obvious matte work), laughable script and limp direction are bad enough, but this stinker has some of the most inept action scenes since "Hercules Against the Moon Men" and a leading man (Stephen Baldwin) who's gained so much weight that when his "army" storms the castle, it's hard to tell which is Baldwin and which is the castle. The one-liners that are meant to be flip are both lame and unfunny (although one line when Baldwin is swinging a torch in a cave isn't too bad). Altogether, poor in all departments. You'll do much better renting or buying "Army of Darkness" instead of this 99-Cent Store version of it.
trancejeremy Army of Darkness can be considered a cult classic, so I guess it's surprising we haven't seen more ripoffs of it. However, I can't imagine we'd ever see one like this.To those that haven't seen Army of Darkness, a regular wisecracking Joe with a shotgun is accidentally teleported into medieval/dark ages times and must save the inhabitants there with a combination of future know how, leadership abilities and fighting ability from a supernatural evil.It was a silly movie, but worked because Bruce Campbell has charm and wit, and the script was genuinely funny.Replace Bruce Campbell with Stephen Baldwin and replace the Evil Dead with Harpies. Replace the claymation low budget special effects with blue screen special effects straight from a shopping mall vendor or amusement park. And take out the witty banter and one liners and replace them with dialogue that makes the worst dubbed Italian film seem like Shakespeare. Watch at your own peril. About the only redeeming feature is the female lead, who isn't much of an actor, but is attractive, in a mid 30s sort of way.