Grimm's Snow White

2012 "Mirror mirror on the wall tis the most terrifying of them all!"
Grimm's Snow White
3.5| 1h29m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 13 March 2012 Released
Producted By: The Asylum
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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When the King is killed by ferocious reptile beasts, his Queen takes control of the kingdom. She tries to kill her beautiful stepdaughter SNOW, but she escapes into the enchanted forest...

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The Asylum

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belac77 I was first attracted to this film because of Eliza Bennet. She played the role of Meggie in Inkspell, and did a fantastic job in this film playing Snow White. Sure, she doesn't have raven black hair, but it's nice to mix things up a bit.I think the key to enjoying this film is to remember that it IS a low- budget, independent film. It isn't backed by a huge studio, it doesn't have brilliant CGI. In fact, the CGI is pretty laughable. But that's the key: laughter. Laugh at the corny parts; it makes the movie more enjoyable. Yes the elves have visibly prosthetic ears. Yes the 'dogs' are bigger than people and seem to be the product of some crazy genetic experiment. And yes, there are a LOT of decapitations. (It got to be a running joke while my family watched the film, we'd yell out 'DECAPITATION!' whenever one occurred, probably at least 6 times during the movie xD)The acting is actually VERY well done. I'm not sure why other reviews diss the cast, because they all portray their roles perfectly IMHO. The Queen, Snow White, and the Prince are exceptional. The cinematography is okay, not great, not bad. The costumes are fine, although most characters always wear the same outfit. (Hey, maybe royalty didn't change very often back then?)The movie climaxes in a hilarious yet deadly combat between the two sides. Black elf's swing in on vines like Tarzan and his monkey friends. Snow White mostly stands around observing the fight. (Weirdo...maybe she has a fetish?)And the crown jewel of comedy is when the Queen gets beheaded. OMG WE COULD NOT STOP LAUGHING! The camera focuses in on the severed head which is clearly a plastic mannequin face and LOOKS NOTHING LIKE THE QUEEN. In fact, it kinda looks like a dude. IDK why they chose to focus on that, since it's obviously fake, but boy is it hilarious.So, in short, accept it, laugh at it, cry at it (I'll admit, the final kiss between Snow and the Prince gets to me.)LOVE IT!
geekgirl101 Poor acting, poorly scripted, badly drawn CGI graphics, yellow stick-on ears that don't fit the wearer, a lack of depth in the characters, an incredibly small elf army representing the whole of the elf population, CGI dogs that can't jump gaps and just fall into them, guards who don't really pay very much attention to whether their queen is under threat or not, a serious lack of dwarfs, an ugly hag who's supposed to be the 2nd most beautiful woman in the kingdom and wears a dress that's massively too big for her and is lacking in any jewellery, and snow white has blonde hair and pink lips. Need I say any more?While the story has an interesting take on the tale we're all too familiar with it's lacking proper care and whoever did the makeup needs shooting. Couldn't even be bothered to paint the ears to make them the same skin colour as the wearer or attempt at hiding the seams so it looks like they're wearing fake ears.
TheLittleSongbird I was dubious of whether to watch this movie as SyFy's resume ranges from a few tolerable, a lot of bad and a number of bottom-of-the-barrel movies. Grimm's Snow White didn't bowl me over, and I wasn't expecting it to, but as far as SyFy movies go they have done much worse than this. The costumes, sets and lighting actually do have a creative and colourful-fantasy-world-like look, while also showing a sense of darkness. The editing is not the choppy editing that I have associated with a lot of SyFy's films but more succinct, neither is it mind-blowingly amazing. The music score is also one of the better ones for a SyFy movie, instead of the generic and sluggish in tempo music SyFy movies often have, this one was suitably haunting with also a quite beautiful twinkling feel. Of the performances the best one was Jane March, her Wicked Queen is coldly beautiful and stoically sinister at the same time. On the other hand, this is where the negatives come. Eliza Bennett's Snow White, looking more like Alice in Wonderland than Snow White actually, I found to be lacking in innocence and she had a wooden way of delivering her lines. Jamie Thomas King also does very little with such an admittedly drab role. They are not helped by really stilted writing, and while the story did start off promisingly it quickly lost drive and became very disjointed in its structure. The sense of drama in the latter part of the film was lacking for me, the bit with the ring didn't make much sense and when people in the battle sequence were supposed to be dead you could tell they weren't. The characters I just didn't care anything for, apart from the Queen they were written very superficially and felt little more than fantasy clichés. The effects have been worse, but there is still a lot of artificiality going on, especially with the dragons. All in all, could have been worse and SyFy have done worse too but Grimm's Snow White didn't do very much for me. 4/10 Bethany Cox
stevenlw This was pretty good. I think the scenery was absolutely lush and beautiful and made half the movie. The action didn't flag, and the characters were mostly stock but well defined and played.I know this sounds like faint praise. But, for a production produced by The Asylum, this is very very good.I've seen a few of their 'mock' busters. This was much better than their usual, cheap fare.If you like fantasy, with a beautiful central/southern European flavor, then watch this.The stepmother was well played, as were many of the elf characters. The only miscasting was Snow White. She was the wrong one for that role. But fortunately Snow White had a small part, for all that the title promises.In this age of high end special effects, they managed pretty well using basic computer graphics tools. Pretty soon, special effects in films of any budget will be good.