Greaser's Palace

1972 "He's got the boogie on his fingers & the hubba-hubba in his soul!"
5.8| 1h31m| en| More Info
Released: 31 July 1972 Released
Producted By: Greaser's Palace Ltd.
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A parable based on the life of Christ. This ain't your father's Bible story, full of references about the destruction of the world through massive constipation and a New Mexican setting.

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Greaser's Palace Ltd.

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Kim Alsos I saw this movie after midnight on a movie-channel, in a dark room. I really wasn't expecting much but somehow this strange and surreal film has a mood to it that very few movies have. Don't try to make sense of it ( I don't know if there is any ) Just relax, and take it in, and you'll see what I mean.Nothing in this movie is spelled out. It is a mystery. It's very funny, and it just leaves you with a feeling of having seen something very important and meaningful about life and death, but you're not sure what...My favourite spot in the movie is when "our" man is asked to give something to the followers, upon which he starts to hum a continuous tone. The "disiples" soon catches on and sings the tone to. He then leaves them, and they dare not stop this gift they have been given. Throughout the rest of the movie you can always hear them in the background or nearby, off camera, as the movie goes on with other things!And the closing scene with the setting sun, and the music/sound just had me mesmerized!I saw it only once, in 1986, and even today I often think about it. I wish I could buy it, but I haven't seen it anywhere. I really want to see it one more time.A MUST see !
chuxmix When I first saw this film, it was at 2am on a Sunday morning. Half awake, staring blindly into the screen, what I saw defied description. The story of Jesus Christ told in an Old West setting with Jesus' character wearing a zoot suit? Count me in!The dialogue is extremely non-sequitur, and the characters are hilarious! Herve' Villachaise is wonderful as a condensed cowboy married to a 6-foot tall man named "Petunia".I highly recommend this movie simply on the basis that it is so bizarre (even though Greaser doesn't think he's bizarre enough). Oh, and knowing that Robert Downey directed this puts a few things into perspective as well (yes, that's Robert Downey Sr., as in Father of R D Jr.)
murphlaw This movie is incredibly strange and one of my all-time favorites. It reminds me very much of the surrealism of Bunuel, eg. Exterminating Angel or Discreet Charm of the Bourgoise. Greaser's Palace is well worth visiting.
Jacksonb-2 I saw this movie in the late 70's in a stuffy hot 2nd floor big open room on folding metal chairs in an "art film" series on campus.It is unique, and still rates in my top 10 favorites. I love religious spoofs, and cowboys and the old West really add to the humor. Yet another story of a reluctant messiah, who just wants to be a song and dance man, but has to deal with his destiny.It was too much for the commercial market, so never got the wide screening it deserved. If it were released in 1999, it would be a bigger hit.