Grass: A Nation's Battle for Life

Grass: A Nation's Battle for Life
7.7| 1h11m| en| More Info
Released: 30 March 1925 Released
Producted By: Paramount Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A silent documentary which follows a branch of the Bakhtiari tribe of Persia as they and their herds make their epic seasonal journey to better pastures.

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Paramount Pictures

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SnoopyStyle The filmmakers join the Bakhtyari in Angora, Turkey. The Haidar declares that the tribe must travel to find grass for the herd in Persia. Fifty thousand people and their animals struggle across the River Karun on goat skin floats and climb the Zardeh Kuh to find green pastures.This is yet another documentary of a lost way of live like Nanook of the North (1922). This is a slice of a world long gone but from an outsider western point of view. It doesn't really dig too deep into the culture and the Bakhtyari themselves don't have much of a voice in the film. The goat skin floats river crossing is just amazing and is something that I couldn't even imagine before this.
Mohsen Qassemi This was soul-provoking! I am an Iranian, and living in th 21st century, I didn't know that such big tribes have been living in such conditions at the time of my grandfather!You see that today, or even in 1925, on one side of the world a lady or a baby could have everything served for him or her clean and on-demand, but here 80 years ago, people ventured their life to go to somewhere with more grass. It's really interesting that these Persians bear those difficulties to find pasture for their sheep, but they lose many the sheep on their way.I praise the Americans who accompanied this tribe, they were as tough as Bakhtiari people.
bazoftforever I read the comment of Chris_m_grant from United States.He wrote : " A Fantastic documentary of 1924. This early 20th century geography of today's Iraq was powerful."I would like to thank Chris and people who are interested in Bakhtiari Nomads of Iran, the Zagros mountains and landscapes and have watched the movie Grass, A Nation's battle for life. These traditions you saw in the movie have endured for centuries and will go on as long as life endures. I am from this region of Iran myself. I am a Bakhtiari. Chris, I am sorry to bother you but Bakhtiari region of Zardkuh is in Iran not in Irak as you mentioned in your comment. Iran and Irak are two different and distinct countries. Taking an Iranian for an Irankian is almost like taking an American for an Mexican. Thanks,Ziba
jimi99 This was incredible, meaning that it was hard to believe, that the "forgotten tribe" would make this astounding migration twice a year, and that the filmmakers, Cooper and Schoedsack, didn't stage some of the scenes and shots. But what shots they are! The cinematography, under mostly extreme conditions, is brilliant, and the score of Iranian music added to the video release give this memorable documentary an added richness. I had the pleasure of seeing this and "Kon Tiki" on the same weekend, which was a thrill and certainly made me see how tough and hardy and brave people can be, whether for primitive survival or the need for adventure or in the name of science.