Goodbye Christopher Robin

7.1| 1h47m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 13 October 2017 Released
Producted By: Fox Searchlight Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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The behind the scenes story of the life of A.A. Milne and the creation of the Winnie the Pooh stories inspired by his son Christopher Robin.

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Neil Welch Writer Alan Milne returns from World War I suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. He and wife Daphne have a child, Christopher Robin but known as Billy Moon, and move to the country where the child is largely brought up by his nanny Nou. When she takes a leave of absence to look after her mother, Billy grows close to his father, and the seeds for the Winnie the Pooh books begin to grow. Their success takes the family by surprise and Billy's childhood is sacrificed on the altar of Pooh Bear's commercialism. The legacy of being the actual Christopher Robin never leaves Billy, ruining his adolescence, although he later comes to terms with the importance of his father's books and their characters to the wider world.This biographical film dramatises the three intertwined stories of AA Milne, Christopher Robin Milne, and Winnie the Pooh. We see all the elements of the Pooh story as they occur and, thankfully, they are shown gracefully rather than being shoehorned into the story with clumsy ugliness.But although the familiarity with Winnie the Pooh gives a warm glow to some aspects of the film, this is not a happy tale. Milne is a damaged man who does his best, fighting against the burden of his war experiences. His wife is not a sympathetic character: when she does the right thing, you get the feeling that this is because she knows she ought to rather than because she genuinely wants to. And both of them are clearly emotional people trapped behind a belief that emotions should be kept tightly under control. A sequence towards the end is telling, when Nou is the only person to show the adult Christopher physical affection.Domnhall Gleeson and Margot Robbie are both excellent as the Milnes, with Kelly Macdonald superb as Nou. Will Tilston is good as 8-year old Billy, although I found him a little too cutesy to sympathise with as much as I should have. Alex Lawther is very good as the older Christopher.And there is a sad footnote: Christopher Milne never took a penny from the immense amount of money earned by his father's Winnie-the-Pooh books, so bitter was he about the extent to which they blighted his life.
TxMike My wife and I watched this movie at home on DVD from our public library. I'll admit I didn't know much about Christopher Robin and the stories with his stuffed animals come to life. And after watching this movie I still don't but I have something even more interesting, the family and situations that spawned the characters and the books which have become famous world-wide.A. A. Milne, played very well by age-appropriate Domhnall Gleeson, was already a successful author living in London. After his experience on the front lines in WW1 he became keen on privacy and really wanted to write something that would motivate all countries of the world to never go to war again. He eventually wrote something but that is only a sidebar to the story here.In 1925 he bought a cottage in the woods on 100 acres of land south of London, saying it would help inspire him to write. But he seemed stuck, working on projects around the house instead of writing. By this time his son, Christopher Robin Milne, was 4 or 5 and by fortune the wife and nanny both left for a time stranding dad and son in the remote home.It proved very fortuitous as dad really got to know his son for the first time and through games they played in the forest and at home he got the inspiration for the Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh stories. Which we now know proved to be a giant stroke of luck and genius combined.The story in this movie is about that process and further issues the family had to face when they all became famous. My wife and I enjoyed the movie very much, in total it is a very heartwarming account of this family.Margot Robbie is very effective as the mom, Daphne Milne, and Kelly Macdonald is very effective as the nanny, Olive.
OneEightNine Media A waste of two hours of my life. I wish I didn't even finish watching it but I kept watching in hopes of it getting better because of it's good reviews. And on top of all my wasted time I come to learn this film didn't even tell the actual story and added BS just for the heII of it? Really, this film is kind of a boring mess. This freaking film is the reason why people are not watching movies; because they are near garbage but critics are paid off and etc, etc, etc. I had enough of these motherloving snakes on this motherloving plane!
ozlemk-93552 A real heart touching movie. All cast are great especially Will Tilston lovely child who acts young Christopher Robin. It is so real and so soft acting. A fantastic movie, a must watch movie, an archival movie. If you wish to see what you are missing during a life time, do not forget to watch this wonderful movie. This film can be a source of inspiration to you to be aware of this feeling. Never late to see what you are about to miss or what you have been missing.Domhnall Gleeson, Margot Robbie, Kelly Macdonald are also fantastic. They are one of the most powerful points to make the movie a better quality.Thanks to every single person who contribute to create "Goodbye Christopher Robin."