Going All the Way

1997 "In love and life there's only one way to go."
5.7| 1h50m| R| en| More Info
Released: 19 September 1997 Released
Producted By: Gramercy Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: https://goingalltheway.oscilloscope.net

Korean War--era veterans and ex-classmates "Gunner" Casselman and "Sonny" Burns reunite upon their return home. Gunner, who spent the war years abroad, is trying to convince his mother that his gal Marty is good enough for him, while Sonny, who was stationed stateside, is torn between loyal Buddy and tempting Gale Ann. As they commiserate, the men realize that they're outgrowing the lives they lived before the war.

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Sherazade A young man (played by Jeremy Davis) is returning home from the Korean war to the parents he joined the war to escape from. Along the way, he meets a happy-go-lucky extrovert (played by Ben Affleck at what seemed to be his sexual peak) co-soldier with whom he unwittingly becomes friends with. This is cool for him, since he now has a friend he can run away to whenever things at home become too hectic. With Gunner (Affleck), Sonny finds a new lease on life when he is introduced to a different side of life whereby he doesn't have to masturbate in his bedroom hoping that his parents can't hear him, or sneak a childhood friend into the house for missionary sex. Tagging along with Gunner, he meets the stunning Gail (played with Va-VA-Voom by Rose McGowan) the cousin of Gunner sex-goddess girlfriend (played by the equally stunning Rachel Weisz Pre-Oscar), add an anti-Semitic mother who is sexually attracted to her own son (Gunner's mum), a strictly religious and stern mother (Sonny's mum), weird pops (Sonny's dad) and a priest into the mix and you're sure to be going all the way! Ben Affleck's sexuality and performance in this film rivals that of Brad Pitt's in Thelma and Louise but this film was so underrated that nobody would have noticed this. Nevertheless, when you see him up on that screen flirting with Weisz's character, things seem to get hot all of a sudden.
The_Wood Jeremy Davis is the most UNINTERESTING & BORING actor on the face of this planet. With the exception to Saving Private Ryan, every film this creep is in, is ruined by his annoying acting style.This film is a BORING and PRETENTIOUS look at a young youth who is having a hard time finding his way in life. I was really disappointed to see that Mark Pellington directed this film, considering Arlington Road and The Mothman Prophecies are bona fide masterpieces.Don't waste your time on this heep, and don't let the names Ben Affleck, Rachel Wieze, and Rose McGowan attract you to this film -- because it's all Jermey Davis -- on slow-drive.
nonconformistx7 Going All the Way is a great film, well, at least it was for me. For anyone who is aware of the sexual repression and confusion that can come from parents and religion should see this film. It moves slow at times, but this is more of an artistic film than a comedy so that is understandable. The underlying themes of escaping what you realize has been holding you back, searching for a point in life, and questioning one's beliefs makes this film an immidiate favorite of mine. If you're looking for a movie with typical Ben Affleck, see Dogma. If you're searching for something with some depth that is up for some interpretation, see Going All the Way.Additionally, if you have seen this already and enjoyed it, I also reccomend The Virgin Suicides.
madshell "Going All The Way" has that same problem I tend to encounter in lower budget films: the what-genre-is-this-really? problem. By no means is this a comedy; it's drama -- or at least, it's a "comedy" that concentrates too much on being a very very upset film about an inwardly-angry main character, Sonny (Davies).Sonny had just come back from the war, which might have been more pleasant for him than his regular life. On the way home he meets Gunner (Affleck), a fast-talking moving guy who wants to get real with his life.Davies begins to get a taste of the good side of things -- namely sex -- but can't handle his own self during his moments of intimacy, which the filmmaker decides to illustrate in indulgent detail. We are trapped with Sonny in his psychosis. Sound like comedy yet? I didn't get the joke."Going all the way" ... back to the video store for me!