God's Bloody Acre

1975 "The vacation getaway that everyone's trying to get away from..."
God's Bloody Acre
4.3| 1h26m| R| en| More Info
Released: 01 July 1975 Released
Producted By: American General Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Three mountain men live a simple life in a forest, until a construction crew shows up to make a park, and the men are prepared to defend their land and lifestyle by any means necessary.

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merklekranz Incredibly weak exploitation effort that fails on almost every level. Start with some of the most amateurish acting. Add some editing that looks like it was put through a blender, including ridiculous flashbacks .Next be sure the songs are of no interest. Finally make the last third of the movie so dark that it is impossible to tell what's going on. Even if all of the above complaints were forgivable, you are still left with a third grade level screenplay, very little violence, and hardly any nudity, all of which adds up to a very boring film. Seek out the far superior "Hunter's Blood" or "Trapped" if you are into hunted in the woods type movies. - MERK
udar55 Three redneck brothers get ticked off when a work crew starts clearing trees near the patch of land they call home. Through an accident they end up killing one of the crew and get real paranoid (the crew boss doesn't seem to mind so much). This is bad news for the two couples (one old, one young) who have both found their way to this neck of the woods. Pretty good regional (Florida) hicksploitation flick that seems to be throwing in some social commentary as well. Lead Wayne Crawford (who also produced and help write) plays a passive guy who quits his job designing machines of war who suddenly finds himself in a situation where he has to defend himself. Not too subtle, but it works. It definitely has some pacing issues though as it seemed to take forever for all the leads to finally meet up. The big brother redneck looked so familiar but I couldn't place him. Looked him up afterward and it is William Kerwin from BLOOD FEAST! Totally didn't recognize him because he wasn't in a suit with his hair slicked back.
Coventry Rednecks, hillbillies, hicks, local yokels, … whatever you call them, the intellectually underdeveloped people from the (Southern) U.S. backwoods form the greatest assembly of stereotypes the horror genre has to offer! Also, movies featuring maniacal rednecks truly reflect the spirit and heyday of 70's exploitation cinema, as these types of films simply cannot be made anymore nowadays. They're filthy, always discriminating to someone, rough, women-unfriendly and shameless. If someone made something like this today, groups of protesters would march outside the theaters until the owners have no other choice but to cancel the showings. The wondrously unscrupulous 70's decade has various "Rednecksploitation" highlights to offer, including acclaimed classics ("The Texas Chainsaw Massacre", "Deliverance") and fantastic hidden gems ("Poor Pretty Eddie", "The Love Butcher"). I secretly hoped to have stumbled on yet another hidden redneck-gem when I got my dirty little hands on "God's Bloody Acre", but apparently there are a handful of good reasons to justify this film's obscurity status. "God's Bloody Acre" is a tedious and uneventful film, and unless you dispose of a really high level of tolerance regarding bad acting, endless padding and a lack of coherence, you should avoid seeking out this film like you would avoid walking in front of a moving bus. The grounds for failure involve a combination of uninspired plotting and severe budgetary restraints. Director Harry Kerwin, as well as his entire cast and crew, obviously displays a lot of goodwill but he had very little to process into results. The basic plot outline shows potential, but the rest of the screenplay was seemingly improvised on the spot. The peaceful lives of three hillbilly brothers, homing in their self-made tepee in the middle of the woods, get brutally interrupted when construction workers arrive with their heavy machinery and begin to deforest the area in favor of building a camping ground. Reluctant to leave the area, they plan to scare the workmen away, but the youngest and over-enthusiast brother Billy accidentally kills one of them. Convinced there's no way back now, the threesome continue to terrorize everyone who sets foot on their turf, including two couples camping in the woods. "God's Bloody Acre" easily could have been a uniquely gritty and violent piece of redneck-horror, but alas, it turned out as 85 minutes of sheer boredom with only a couple of pleasurable moments. For some reason the script insists on drawing the pointless backgrounds of the camping couples. We witness the middle-aged couple struggling through a boring marriage crisis and needless flashbacks illustrate the reasons why the other two decided to leave everything behind. Yawn. The sequences revolving on the three rednecks and their primitive life-styles are the only worth mentioning. The oldest brother Monroe is the leader and Ezra desperately craves female attention. The coolest one, however, is young Billy. His hair looks like an exploded poodle and he tries to nurse cut down trees with bandages. The massacres are as good as bloodless, the undertones are quite racist, the plot-twists are absurd and senseless and there's only a slight bit of nudity on display. Heck, even the hillbilly-soundtrack is disappointing. You'll quickly find yourself making up your plot and repeating lines from other, more successful backwoods horror films.
EyeAskance A trio of separatist hillbillies mobilize to halt the development of a campsite in their deep-woods homestead. What begins as a harmless scheme to scare people away quickly turns deadly.There's little question that GOD'S BLOODY ACRE is a product of loose-change funding and a three-day-weekend shooting schedule. Despite the transparencies of an indifferently overseen production, however, there's good potential for shameful gratification in this frowzy little regional outgrowth. The first half hour is a razor-to-wrist bore, but if you can get past that, the story does eventually grease the wheels and keep a steady beat(putting forward one of the most drawn-out, strangely choreographed fight scenes I've ever witnessed).This is a lazy concoction from folks who have done far better work(see: SOMETIMES AUNT MARTHA DOES DREADFUL THINGS), but it does have a certain something...just not a whole lot of it.5/10